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Day: March 27, 2024

How can you find the right University to pursue PG in Canada?

Where to pursue PG in Canada

Canada is one of the most preferred international education destinations to pursue post-graduation. The reasons are many, including low cost of education, high quality of education and competitive entry requirements. Canadian universities are publicly funded and as a result, the quality of the education they offer is high. Cost of studying PG in Canada is also low, compared to countries such as US, UK, and Australia. Moreover, university system of Canada is internationally renowned and degrees and diplomas from Canadian institutions are highly valued in the job market. All these factors make studying PG in Canada is a highly rewarding effort.

How to choose the right university to study PG in Canada

A number of Canadian universities offer postgraduate education. But you should consider various factors before selecting the right university for you to study PG in Canada. Some of such basic factors include:


While selecting a university to study PG in Canada, you should also consider the location of the university. You should check whether the place aligns with your priorities and preferences. You must also know in advance the climate of the particular place where the university is located. While in most parts of Canada you would experience long and harsh winters, in interior parts of the country, you can enjoy high temperatures during summer.

You must consider if the university you want to study PG in Canada, is situated in a small or medium town or a large metropolis. In big cities, you will have better access to conveniences, entertainment as well as public transport. But at the same time cost of living will be too high. While in small towns, the living costs will be lower but you may find it difficult to access some normal conveniences.

Academic reputation

Several national and international publications including magazines, newspapers, and websites publish annual rankings of universities where you can study PG in Canada. Going through them is one of the best ways to assess the academic reputation of universities where you want to study PG in Canada. They rank the universities based on a number of criteria including faculty, classes, finances, library etc. They also consider the research output of various universities. Some of the prominent rankings of Canadian universities are published by Maclean’s, Academic Ranking of World Universities, QS World University Rankings, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and the U.S. News & World Report Best Global University Ranking. Going through their reports will help you to select the right university to pursue PG in Canada.

Tuition Fee

The tuition fee in Canadian universities varies for students based on factors such as the program, native country of the student, and the province where the university is located. Compared to Canadian students, international students will have to pay more as tuition fee. Postgraduate programs are of different durations, ranging from one year to three years. While some postgraduate courses cost between $4,000 and $6,000 (£2,500-3,600) per year, some other courses cost as much as $22,485 (£15,000) annually. So you must choose a university where the tuition fee suits your budget while choosing a university to study PG in Canada.

Placement record 

Though campus placement is a foreign concept to the universities in Canada, most Canadian universities have a career service center that can help you to prepare for interviews and get you placed. Besides postgraduate programs have options for co-op or project. Co-operative (CO-OP) placement during Masters in Canada offers paid work terms to students and helps them get placed more easily after graduation. Depending on the program, a student can pursue CO-OP with a variety of employers including private businesses, educational institutions, Crown corporations, federal, provincial and municipal governments etc. Many universities have their CO-OP programs accredited by the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE). There are also PG programs with the project option, which can be completed more quickly and includes a paid co-op placement. You must choose a university that offers you options to meet your future goals.

International student support

Though studying PG in Canada will be an exciting experience for international students, initially, they may find it difficult to adapt to the new place, culture, language. Most Canadian universities, especially those that have a high number of international students, have well-developed support systems to help international students. The support system makes the study experience easy and enjoyable. So before choosing a university to pursue PG in Canada, it will be ideal to check how good the international student support system of that particular university is.

Do you want to pursue PG in Canada? Contact us to know the best options.Are you interested to know more about immigration in Canada? Connect with our Canada Immigration Consultants in Bangalore at CanApprove now!