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Day: August 16, 2024

Manitoba Business Immigration Requirements

Business investors and entrepreneurs can immigrate to Canada through the Business Investor Stream (BIS) of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). Those who meet the Manitoba business immigration requirements and those who have the intent and ability to start or purchase businesses in Manitoba can make use of this stream to settle in Canada.

The Business Investor Stream (BIS) has two pathways:

  • The Entrepreneur Pathway
  • The Farm Investor Pathway

The Entrepreneur Pathway is for those who are planning to start a business in Manitoba. The Farm Investor Pathway for the applicants who plan to establish and operate a farm in rural Manitoba. But there are certain differences in the Manitoba business immigration requirements for these two pathways.

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway

Within the first 24 months of arriving in Canada on a temporary work permit, the applicants must purchase a business or become partners in an existing business.

The Manitoba business immigration requirements for the Entrepreneur Pathway include:

Business Experience

The applicant must have minimum three years of full time work experience in the past five years either as an active business owner or as a senior manager of a successful business.

Official language proficiency

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway include a minimum of 5 in CLB/NCLC for the applicant


Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway include minimum education level of Canadian high school certificate or equivalent.


Though no minimum or maximum age is specified for the applicants of Entrepreneur pathway, ranking points are allocated to candidates in the 25-49 age group.

Business investment requirements

Certain business investment conditions have to be met as part of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway. If the proposed business is situated at the Manitoba Capital Region, the applicant must invest a minimum of $250,000. If the business is situated outside Manitoba Capital Region, the minimum investment required is $150,000. Besides, the business must create at least one job for a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident residing in Manitoba.

Business Research Visit

Business Research Visit is one of the  Manitoba business immigration requirements that has to be met for immigration through the Entrepreneur Pathway. This visit must be conducted within one year prior to submitting the application.


An applicant can score points under adaptability factor if:

  • The applicant or his/her spouse has CLB/NCLC 5 or higher in the Second Official Language
  • A close relative of the applicant or his/her spouse or common law partner is residing in Manitoba for more than a year
  • The applicant’s child is enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution for at least six months prior to submitting the EOI
  • The applicant or his/her spouse or common law partner have completed a full-time study program of at least one year duration in Manitoba
  • The applicant or his/her spouse or common law partner have completed at least six months of continuous full time employment in Manitoba

Net Worth

The applicant must have a minimum personal net worth of $500,000. It is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements through the Entrepreneur Pathway.  It will be verified by a third-party supplier approved by the MPNP.

Business Performance Agreement

If the application is approved, a Business Performance Agreement (BPA) must be signed prior to the MPNP issuing a letter of support for applying for a work permit.

Manitoba business immigration requirements Farm investor pathway

The Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) is for the investors with proven farm business experience who plan to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba.

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm investor pathway include:

Farm business experience

Farm business experience is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP). The applicant must have minimum three years of experience in farm ownership and operation.

Proficiency in Official Languages

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) include proficiency in official languages of Canada. The applicant is expected to have proficiency in English or French.

Farm business investment

Investing at least $300,000 for establishing a farming business in rural Manitoba is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for immigration through Farm Investor Pathway (FIP).

Farm Business Research Visit

The applicant is supposed to conduct a Farm Business Research Visit to Manitoba. This is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP)

Farm Business Activities

Manitoba business immigration requirements include the condition that the farm business entity must have ongoing and recurring business activities in rural Manitoba. The applicant must live on the farm and actively manage the farm business.

Economic Establishment Adaptability

The applicant must demonstrate adaptability in practical farming skills, technical knowledge and experience in technological based farming practices.

Net worth

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) include a net worth of at least $500,000 for the applicant.

Please contact us to know about Manitoba business immigration