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Day: August 16, 2024

MPNP New Rules 2018: Immigrate to Manitoba

With lenient immigration policies and high standards of living, Canada has turned itself into a favorite destination for immigrants from across the world. In the past few years, Canada has further liberalized its immigration policies, making immigration to Canada much easier. Provincial Nominee Programs are one of the ways through which one can obtain permanent residence in Canada.

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is one of the most popular provincial nominee programs. A high number of employment opportunities and immigrant-friendly attitude make Manitoba, one of the most sought-after immigrant destinations. Recently several changes were introduced to Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. Now let’s find out how the MPNP new rules 2018 are going to influence immigration through MPNP.

MPNP new rules 2018

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) has undergone a complete overhaul for the year 2018. MPNP new rules 2018 include introduction of new immigration streams and pathways, including a dedicated pathway for Express Entry candidates. MPNP new rules 2018 also includes introduction of new streams for nomination of international students graduated in Manitoba and for business immigrants. Many of the pathways introduced as part of the MPNP new rules 2018 will be incorporated in the International Skilled Worker stream. All these changes are being introduced with an aim to attract more skilled workers to the province.

Streams under MPNP new rules 2018

With the introduction MPNP new rules 2018, there will be four streams with new pathways under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.

They are:

Skilled Worker Overseas Stream

  • Express Entry Pathway
  • Human Capital Pathway

Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream

  • Work Experience Pathway
  • Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway
  • International Education Stream
  • Career Employment Pathway
  • Business Investor Stream
  • Entrepreneur Pathway
  • Farm Investor Pathway

MPNP new rules 2018: Most popular pathways for Canada immigration through MPNP

Express Entry Skilled Workers Overseas Stream (MPNP news rules 2018)

The two major pathways under the Skilled Workers Overseas Stream are Express Entry and Human Capital. According to MPNP news rules 2018, an applicant of Express Entry pathway must fulfill the  following conditions:

  • They must have entered the Express Entry pool and have a valid Express Entry ID and Job Seeker Validation Code
  • They must prove that they have at least six months of work experience in one of the In-demand occupations as per the National Occupations Classification (NOC). They also have to submit a career plan based on the work opportunities in Manitoba
  • They must have the language proficiency or enough IELTS score at the level demanded by the particular job they choose in the NOC category.
  • They must have the educational qualifications demanded by the particular job they choose
  • They must be at least 18 years of age
  • The applicants must show their intention to settle and live in Manitoba
  • The applicant must have the financial capacity to support themselves and their families for at least six months after landing in Manitoba.

Human Capital Skilled Worker Stream( MPNP news rules 2018)

The Human Capital Stream aims to provide a secure pathway for international immigrants with experience in one of the In-Demand occupations in Manitoba. The conditions to qualify under this scheme as per MPNP news rules 2018 include:

  • At least six months of experience in the line of work in which the candidate is currently engaged in.
  • A minimum CLB 5 score in language proficiency
  • A bachelor’s degree. Those who have master’s degree have a higher chance of getting selected.
  • The applicant must express his/her intention to settle in Manitoba
  • The applicant must be at least 18 years of age
  • The applicant must have enough funds to settle in Manitoba

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