Australia, one of the nations which could effectively flatten the COVID-19 curve, has announced a step-by-step plan to bring its economy back on full swing. With the plan, Australia aims to bring 850000 workers back to work. According to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the plan puts Australia in the vanguard of developed economies emerging from the crisis, having avoided the scale of sickness and death that’s ravaged countries including the U.K., U.S. and Italy.
`“It is our goal to move through all of these steps to achieve that Covid-safe economy in July,” said the PM, announcing the plan. “In this plan, we walk before we run. We know we need to be careful to preserve our gains, if we wish to reclaim the ground we lost, we cannot be too timid,” he added.
Australia’s step-by-step plan to reopen economy
The steps for the phased reopening of the economy are not only about relaxing the restrictions which had been imposed earlier to contain the spread of the disease, but about the measures that have to be taken by the government and community to ensure a Coronavirus safe environment. The Australian citizens and residents have to continue practicing social distancing, follow hygienic practices and also use the app approved by the government to stay protected.
In the first step, Australians can get back to work and engage in social activities such as travel. Small gatherings of around 10 people will be allowed in this phase. Public swimming pools, retail shops, small cafes and restaurants will be reopened. Local and regional travel will be allowed. However, businesses are directed to encourage their employees to work from home, if possible.
In the second step, more businesses will be reopened and the public will be allowed to use gyms. Entertainment facilities such as cinemas will also be reopened. Gatherings of more than 20 people will be allowed. Further, facilities such as zoos, stadiums and galleries will also be reopened. Organized community sports will be resumed and some interstate travel will be allowed.
In the third step, Australia aims to achieve a COVID-safe economy. Gatherings of up to a 100 people will be allowed, though mass gatherings will not be allowed. Most businesses can allow workers to come back to their workplaces and interstate travel will be allowed at this stage. Pubs and clubs will be reopened. Australia will consider reopening borders with New Zealand and some Pacific islands at this stage. International students may also be allowed to enter the country.
The government will be monitoring the progress of the reopening plan closely to ensure there are no violations. They will assess the impact of the changes and based on the outcome, decide on moving to the next step. They could also consider rolling back the plan in case there are fresh outbreaks of the disease.
Australia’s decision to reopen the economy gives a fresh lease of hope to immigration aspirants as the demand for skilled workers will be increasing once the economy becomes fully functional. If you have Australia migration plans on mind, start the preparations right away, so that you can be ready go ahead with the immigration process once the demand for foreign workers increases in Australia once again. Contact us to know more about Australia migration.