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The 10 benefits topping the list of becoming a Nurse!

Benefits of becoming a Nurse

Planning your healthcare education in UK is the best decision an international student could ever make because the outcomes of the process are going to leave you awestruck. There are plentiful benefits – both professional and personal, for international students planning their nursing education in UK. Some of these benefits might intersect caregivers too.

Okay. Now, it’s time for some facts. There are close to 21 million nurses and midwives around the world comprising half the population of healthcare workers. But sadly, this ain’t a large figure because many countries are still running out of nursing professionals to support their growing population. As per the prediction of WHO, there will be a supplemental need of 9 million nurses and midwives by 2030.

Can you relate to why nursing has always been an appealing profession? Yes, the demand for nurses is constantly raising thus creating a larger space for many individuals to pick up nursing as a profession of compassion and also become successful in the same.

Now! Have you ever thought how fruitful my life would become once after gaining appropriate skills and graduating as a nurse? It’s more than convincing and leaves you over cloud nine. Listing some crucial benefits that you reap out of becoming a nursing professional.

  • Personally rewarding
  • Internationally acknowledged
  • Respected career
  • Professional enhancement
  • Job security
  • Variety
  • Take up challenges
  • Interaction

These are the various aspects of being benefited from becoming a nurse! Let’s brief them up…


Personally rewarding

You can always be proud of being a Nurse. You are no less than a superhero saving the lives of those in trouble. Your career is having an idiosyncrasy than any others professionally and personally because you are not doing the job that anyone can do in common. The treatment and advice you provide is going to make a difference in the patient’s life

And that difference is the firing motivation for you that you got to wake up and head to work every day. Superhero, aren’t you? Personally satisfying, highly rewarding!!


Nursing in UK – Internationally acknowledged

As explained in the beginning, there are nursing shortages in many countries around the world for various reasons. Among every other reason, the ageing population and workforce are crucial for the countries wanting more nurses and witnessing a shortage for them.

This circumstance makes nurses being employable in various parts of the regardless of nationality. So, this is good news for abroad aspirants who are interested in Nursing as you have great employment prospects not only in the UK but all around the world.

The best part is, serving there for few years or having studied nursing over there and then getting to work might catalyse your eligibility to apply for a PR.


Respected career

The Healthcare domain is the one that has highly respected professions in it. The nursing community is highly respected for their selflessness, level of service, and compassion they have towards others which are entangled with their profession. Especially, nursing is one of the professions that’s garnered high stability than another profession.


Professional enhancement

There are many opportunities for you to make a career advancement. With your new job as a head start, you can attain the designations like ward manager, senior nurse or nursing director. And importantly, these designations demand proven work experience for several years and recognition from managing authorities.

A PG degree helps you to become an advanced nursing practitioner and increases your wage for the senior service you offer.


Job security

The stability of Nursing asserts the job security of an individual. Also, Nursing professionals after graduating in UK can be sure that they get placed. As of the employment statistics, 87% of students graduating as nurses in UK are likely to be getting placed as a nurse within 6 months of graduation.

Some of the universities in UK that offer the best nursing programs are,

  • Robert Gordon University
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of South Wales
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Manchester
  • Keele University
  • University of Glasgow
  • Imperial College
  • University of Surrey
  • London University College
  • University of Southampton
  • London University of Edinburgh
  • King’s College London 


Healthcare keeps on witnessing new dimensions in terms of technology incorporation and efficacy of the treatment. As far as the human body is explored, healthcare witnesses constant growth. In such a dynamic field, you as a part of the workforce will contemporarily develop new skills in different segments as required.

Paediatrics, mental health, palliative care, geriatric, intensive care, oncology are some of the nursing segments and upon discovering your area of interest you can focus on one thing but be equally competent in other segments based on the demands.


Take up challenges

Nursing, as a profession has a lot to offer you where every day is different. You face various challenges with respect to time and situation. You will be prepared physically and psychologically to fight such challenges. On the whole, nursing makes you emotionally strong and develop perseverance. 



Interaction is more of a therapy for patients and nurses as well. If you are the kind of person who likes to meet a lot of people, then nursing is the best job like which no other job is appropriate.

Also, this interaction enables your listening and verbal ability as you need to talk to more doctors, nurses and patients. It’s anyway cool to interact with various people rather than interacting with a computer the whole day.

So, to sum up, there are enormous possibilities for nurses in the present and future as well. Grab a spoon to become a nurse in UK. CanApporve will help you.

Our immigration and overseas education coordinators have been helping a lot of people over the years to study or settle abroad. If you are on the verge of planning your overseas education, just breathe in. We are a click away. Our experts will assist you in every aspect. You can talk to them about your aspirations and plans.

Connect with us for a personal consultation and get your profile evaluated absolutely without any cost. Become a Registered Nurse in the UK. Good luck.


Contact:  +91-422-4980225 (India)/ 971-42865134 (Dubai)

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