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1,33,135 Indians went abroad for higher studies so far in 2022!

why Indians study abroad

Indians going abroad for higher studies has become ‘commonplace’ nowadays. Many call it the great Indian brain drain or the human capital flight. While some call it the expedition to obtain a better education. However, through the lens of the students, factors like better lifestyle, healthcare, job opportunities, and world-class education, are the key reasons to study abroad.
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1,33,135 students have landed abroad in countries like Canada, the UK, the US, etc., in 2022. These figures appear in just 3 months of this year. Comparing the year 2015-2016 and 2019-2020, the number of Indian students studying in Canada has increased by 350%.

So, what exactly do these numbers mean to students dreaming to study abroad? Why Indians students go abroad to study? Dive in, to read the statistics and introspect, why Indians are flocking abroad for higher studies.

The BIG fat stats about Indians!

 In 2020, despite the pandemic, a total of 2,59,655 Indian students went abroad. The number went up to 4,44,553 in 2021, more than 1.5 times that of the previous year. Surprisingly, in 2022, about 1,33,135 Indian students left the country to study abroad in just 3 months. It is expected to touch a very high number in 2022, due to the ease of travel restrictions.

Another reason for the expected surge in numbers is that many students are about to resume their plans which were earlier paused due to the pandemic.

Key reasons why Indians study abroad

So, why Indians students go abroad to study at the first place? While experts argue on reasons like lack in the quality of the education system, inadequate job opportunities, poor talent recognition, etc.

From the students’ perspective, here are the key reasons why Indians study abroad:

Better education and course options

Pursuing higher studies abroad earns you a world-class education. Students now get the opportunity to choose courses with other offbeat subjects as combinations or minor subjects. This kind of flexible course option makes universities abroad more magnetic to students.

Among the top courses, Management and business courses are taken up by 35% of Indian students, Engineering by 18%, and Data Science & Analytics by 9%. 

Ease of visa and travel restrictions

The way Indians went abroad for higher studies before is quite different than now! Now is the time when countries are easing many visa and travel restrictions, making it easier for Indian students.

In fact, Canada and the UK are closely working with the Indian government for the benefit of the students.

Stay back options & work permit

Stay back options that allow students to stay and work in the country after graduation has become the ‘best part’ of studying abroad. Countries like Canada and the UK, offer stay back options for 2 to 3 years depending on the course duration.

A work permit or Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) allows students to work after graduation. PGWP surely is a pathway to becoming a Permanent Resident as well.

Job opportunities

Studying abroad  increases the chances of employment both in India and overseas. Earning a degree from universities abroad is more of an added benefit.

Lack of job opportunities is now a living room conversation in India. That said, studying abroad is seen as a ‘superpower’ to earn a good job.

Benefits of studying abroad 

  • An opportunity to obtain a world-class education
  • Experience a multicultural environment and people
  • Post graduate work permit (PGWP) options for 2 to 3 years
  • An effective pathway to get become Permanent Residents (PR)
  • Spouse can accompany with student by applying work permit
  • Work part-time while studying
  • Best healthcare facilities and social benefits
  • Exposure to the global economy and employment


Where are Indians heading? 

In 2021, among the various education destinations, Indian students are more inclined to choose Canada, the UK, and the US.


The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) the regulatory council of Canadian immigration highlights the increase in Indian students in Canada. The year, 2019-2020 saw a 350% increase in the number of Indian students than 2015-2016.

United Kingdom 

The United Kingdom’s Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) has cited a 220% annual increase in enrollment of Indian students in British Universities. The UK for long has been the most preferred education destination of international students.

Moreover, UK’s new post-study work visa program for Indian students will lead to a spike in admissions. This route encourages students to stay back and work after graduation.


The US is the home of top-ranked universities. Despite all the reputation, the hype for the US is decreasing due to strict visa and travel restrictions. And the time for obtaining a green card is quite long, thus students take a back seat.

Rounding off!

To sum up, you learnt why Indians students go abroad to study. The Indian youths flocking to study abroad is seen as a sign of hope and passion. For many, overseas education is a dream come true. The three-month figure of 1.33 lakh students will skyrocket at the end of this year.

Studying or migrating abroad, it’s a decision of a lifetime. Only when we see new lands, people, cultures, and horizons, do we see the world from a different perspective. All the best for your higher education abroad.

Choose any country and get the guidance of CanApprove’s overseas education experts. CanApprove has a close tie-up with many top universities abroad. To know the answers to  most common questions on courses and scholarships abroad, check out this blog.

Take the life-changing decision in a click here!

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