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India to Germany: A Guide to Indian Students Pursuing Nursing Ausbildung

Nursing Ausbildung in Germany

Ausbildung in Germany provides 200+ courses to students with a passion to study in Germany, and among them, the top preferred course would be the Nursing Ausbildung. One such reason could be Germany’s quick-aging population; nurses are more likely to be in demand in the near future. Hence, a student from India who desires to study nursing from Germany; Nursing Ausbildung, would be a wise choice.

Before thinking about applying for the German student visa process, one should be well-aware about the Ausbildung Nursing program. Well, this blog is here to help. This blog explores relevancies such as Ausbildung nursing courses, requirements, and the process of applying for Ausbildung nursing in Germany and winds up with some unanswered questions that students might want to ask.

What is Nursing Ausbildung in Germany

  • The term “Ausbildung” refers to a vocational program (or) apprenticeship training that combines classroom-based theoretical education with on-the-job training.
    • It has two types: Schulische (Academics) and Duale (Academics + workplace)
  • So, the Nursing Ausbildung is a vocational nursing program designed to train individuals with necessary skills and knowledge in order to become a compassionate and competent nurse.
  • In classrooms, the schools cover the wide area of subjects such as pharmacology, medical ethics, anatomy and physiology but in workplaces such as nursing home, hospitals, out-patient blocks, and so on, the individuals get trained practically by patient care, patient assessment, and so on.
  • The expenditure of the tuition fee for the Ausbildung training would be borne by the Government itself. Hence, it is considered as a free education in Germany for students who desires to study abroad.
  • This nursing education can be studied either full-time or part-time, but the duration varies. For full-time, the duration would be up to 3 years and for part-time, it would be up to 5 years.
  • For first two years, general nurse training would be provided. Whereas in the third year, they continue their ongoing training along with one area of specialization that individual chooses.
  • The stipend would be provided on a monthly basis and there shall be a raise in every year.
    • For First Year – around €1340
    • For Second Year – around €1400
    • For Third Year – around €1500

Ausbildung Courses in Nursing

The courses for the Ausbildung in Nursing in Germany are more work specific. So, the theoretical training would be provided in schools which accepts Ausbildung. Some German universities may provide the Ausbildung training. However, most of the public colleges in Germany and the best universities in Germany may not provide Ausbildung courses. Hence, the following list down some of the courses for the Nursing Ausbildung in Germany, according to the profession, along with the course requisites:

  • General Nursing Training

    The course objective is to turn the student into a registered nurse. The duration of the training would be three years. The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of general nursing. In theoretical terms, the student studies medical knowledge, nursing theory, and so on. In practical terms, one can experience hands-on work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and so on.

  • Nursing Assistant:

    The objective is to provide support to nurses and assist with basic patient care. The duration of the training would be approximately one year. Like the general nursing training, the theoretical aspects would be the study and case studies regarding basic patient care, hygiene, and support tasks. In practice, the individual assists the working nurses and provides basic care in healthcare facilities.

  • Health and Paediatric Nursing Training

    The objective of the training is to specialize in nursing care for children and adolescents. The duration would be 3 years or less. The theoretical studies focus on general nursing education with pediatric care, whereas practical training revolves around the pediatric settings in children’s hospitals and clinics.

  • Geriatric Nursing Training

    The objective is to turn the student into a specialist in the care of elderly patients. The duration would be 3 years. The theoretical studies rely on general nursing, with a focus on geriatrics. Accompanying the theory, the student experiences training in senior health-care facilities.

In addition to the above courses, the student can enrol for higher education, such as bachelors and masters in Germany, to enhance their knowledge even more.

Nursing Ausbildung in Germany Requirements

Eligibility Criteria

Indian students with a dream of nursing in Germany must fulfil the required eligibility criteria, which are listed below:

  • 1.  Completion certificate of Higher Secondary Education (10th/12th)
  • 2.  B2 level German language course (Minimum)
  • 3.  18-30 Years of age
  • 4.  Physically and mentally fit

Documents Required

After meeting the eligibility criteria, the next step would be to collect the required documents for applying the Ausbildung. The following lists down the required documents:

  • 1.  Academic Transcripts
  • 2.  German Language Proficiency Certificate
  • 3.  Motivation letter in German that explains the student’s intent to apply for the program.
  • 4.  Europass CV
  • 5.  Application Form
  • 6.  Proof of Financial Means
  • 7.  Health Insurance
  • 8.  Reference Letter (If applicable)

How to Apply for Nursing Ausbildung in Germany

How to Apply for Nursing Ausbildung in Germany

Applying for a Nursing Ausbildung in Germany is similar to applying for all Ausbildung courses. Hence, the following steps shows how to apply for the program:

  • Research about Schools and Institutions

    Do proper research about the schools that provides the nursing Ausbildung. In case of duale, find a suitable workplace for training.

  • Gather the Documents

    Before beginning the process of applying, one must collect the necessary documents. Though the above-mentioned documents cover the maximum, it is advisable for students to visit the official website and cross-check the mandatories.

  • Apply for the Program

    After document collection, visit the official website of the workplace or the Federal Employment Agency (FEA) of Germany. Fill out the application form provided by the institution and submit the application form, either online or offline, along with the required documents, as specified by the institution.

  • Prepare for the Interview

    If the application gets shortlisted, the applicant shall be called for an interview via in-person or in-digital. In some institutions, interviews may not be preferred.

  • Contract Signing

    If the interviewed candidate gets selected, there would be contract signing, which is known as Ausbildung contract. The contract outlines the terms and conditions such as working time, salary, and so on.

  • Visa Process

    After receiving the acceptance letter, it is time to begin the Germany study visa process. For visa-related information, consider visiting CanApprove.

  • Residence Permit

    Once landed in Germany, contact the local authorities to get the Residence Permit.

Nursing Jobs in Germany after Ausbildung

After pursuing the nursing Ausbildung in Germany, the student can either study further or be employed in clinics and continue their practice. For students to be employed, the subsequent list shows the potential job opportunities for nursing students after completing the Ausbildung:

  • Staff Nurse – Nurses work at hospitals (or) clinics and assess the patient under the supervision of the doctors.
  • Community Health Nurse – Nurses who work for a mass amount of people with a focus on public health.
  • Geriatric Nurse – Nurses who take care of the elderly and work at geriatric care and nursing homes.
  • Pediatric Nurse – Nurses who take care of the children and work at paediatrics.
  • Surgical Nurse – Nurses who assist surgeons in operating theatres.
  • Intensive Care Nurse – Nurses who work at ICUs and constantly monitor the critically ill patients.
  • Psychiatric Nurse – Nurses who assess patients who are mentally challenged at mental healthcare facilities.
  • Nurse Educator – After gaining some experience, they can opt for a career in educating nurses.
  • Nurse Manager – They oversee the nursing department in the hospital to ensure that the nurses are organized and provide quality care with the utmost patience.

Nursing Ausbildung Salary in Germany

After completing the nursing training, students can work in healthcare and receive a salary ranging from €2300 to €3700 per month. The salary for a registered nurse is subjective according to the location and experience they gained. Since there are various job options available for nursing, in order to give a broader picture, the following table depicts the list of jobs and the possible average value of salary:

List of Jobs Average Salary (€/month)
Staff Nurse 2750
Community Health Nurse 2800
Geriatric Nurse 2500
Pediatric Nurse 2850
Surgical Nurse 3600
Intensive Care Nurse 3110
Psychiatric Nurse 2650
Nurse Educator 3460
Nurse Manager 2500

Key Benefits

The Ausbildung program holds many benefits for the pursuing students and some of them are listed below:

  • A comprehensive education that covers both theoretical and job-based aspects, simultaneously.
  • Individual can study at a low (or) zero tuition fee, comparatively.
  • Hands-on training gains the practical experience in a real-time, while studying.
  • A competitive renumeration helps the individual to be independent.
  • Germany’s culture and the way-of-life helps to gain an international exposure.
  • Ausbildung could act as a first step towards PR.


Studying Nursing Ausbildung in Germany is an excellent opportunity for Indian students because German education and healthcare are considered the best across the globe. Since Ausbildung is a blend of both education and experience, the student can learn and live from two opposite poles in tandem. For more relevant information regarding Ausbildung, consider contacting CanApprove.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ )

Is the Ausbildung certificate a recognized one in India?
Ausbildung certificate is internationally recognized, and it is acceptable in almost all countries, including India.
How long is the nursing Ausbildung in Germany?
The duration of the nursing Ausbildung would be 3 years, if the student pursues full-time and 5 years for part-time.
What is the salary of a nurse in Ausbildung?
On a range, the salary of a nurse during the period of Ausbildung would by € (1340-1500).
Can I get a job after Ausbildung?
Yes. You can get a job after completing Ausbildung or you can continue with your higher studies.
Is there an age limit for nursing Ausbildung in Germany?
Yes. There is an age limit between (18-30) years of age for nursing Ausbildung in Germany.
What are the requirements for nursing Ausbildung in Germany?
One must complete their Higher Secondary Education and holds the German Language Proficiency certificate (B2 minimum). These are the primary requirements for nursing Ausbildung in Germany.

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