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How to Migrate to Australia from India

Migrate to Australia from India

Many Indians migrate to Australia each year for better job opportunities, lifestyle, and the diverse culture it offers. If you are planning to migrate, you have landed in the right blog! Here we will discuss various factors on how to Migrate to Australia from India.

Reasons to Migrate to Australia from India

There are many benefits of migrating to Australia that’s why it’s a priority for many Indians. Let’s look at some of the top reasons:
1. Awesome Quality of Life: Australia consistently ranks high on global quality of life lists. It’s got top-notch healthcare, education, and infrastructure that make life here really comfortable.
2. Job Opportunities Galore: With a strong economy and low unemployment rates, Australia has a lot to offer in terms of jobs. Sectors like healthcare, engineering, IT, and construction are especially booming.
3. Melting Pot of Cultures: Australia is famous for its multicultural society, which makes it easier for immigrants to fit in and feel at home.
4. World-Class Education: Australian universities have a stellar reputation worldwide. They maintain high standards, making Australia an attractive destination for students seeking top-notch education.
5. Gorgeous Environment: Australia is blessed with stunning beaches, vibrant cities, and unique wildlife. The picturesque surroundings make living here an absolute delight.

Ways to Migrate to Australia from India

There are several pathways to migrate to Australia, each catering to different needs and circumstances. Here are the main options:
1. Skilled Migration: For professionals with skills in demand in Australia. This includes visas like the Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) , the Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190) and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491).
2. Family Migration: For those who have family members already residing in Australia. This includes Partner visas, Parent visas, and Child visas.
3. Student Visas: For those looking to pursue higher education in Australia. The Student Visa (subclass 500) allows students to study and work part-time.
4. Business and Investment Visas: For entrepreneurs and investors. This includes the Business Innovation and Investment Visa (subclass 188) and the Business Talent Visa (subclass 132).
5. Humanitarian and Refugee Visas: For individuals seeking asylum or those eligible for humanitarian protection.

Migrate to Australia from India

Eligibility to Migrate to Australia from India

Eligibility criteria vary depending on the visa category. Generally, applicants need to meet the following requirements:
1. Age: Most skilled migration visas require applicants to be under 45 years of age.
2. Skills and Qualifications: Applicants need to have their skills assessed by a relevant Australian authority and should be on the Skilled Occupation List.
3. English Proficiency: Proficiency in English is mandatory, often requiring a minimum score in tests like IELTS or PTE.
4. Health and Character: Applicants must meet health and character requirements, which include medical examinations and police clearance certificates.
5. Points Test: For certain visas, such as the subclass 189 and 190, applicants must score a minimum number of points based on factors like age, education, work experience, and language proficiency.

Requirements to Migrate to Australia from India

The documentation and requirements vary by visa type but typically include:

Requirements to Migrate to Australia from India

Apply for Australia Migration from India

The application process involves several steps:
1. Choose the Right Visa: Identify the visa that suits your profile and goals.
2. Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI): For skilled migration, submit an EOI through the SkillSelect system.
3. Invitation to Apply: If your EOI is selected, you will receive an invitation to apply for a visa.
4. Complete Application: Submit the visa application along with required documents and fees.
5. Attend Interviews and Medical Examinations: As part of the process, you may need to attend interviews or undergo medical tests.
6. Await Decision: The Australian Department of Home Affairs will review your application and make a decision.

Processing Time and Fees to Migrate to Australia

The processing time and fees vary by visa type:
1. Processing Time: Typically ranges from a few months to over a year, depending on the visa category and individual circumstances.
2. Fees: Vary significantly; for example, the Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) costs approximately AUD 4,640 , while Partner Visas can cost around AUD 8,850. Additional costs may include skill assessments, English tests, medical examinations, and police checks.


Migrating to Australia from India is a significant step that requires careful planning and preparation. By understanding the various pathways, eligibility criteria, and application processes, you can enhance your chances of a successful migration. Whether you’re seeking better job opportunities, quality education, or a higher standard of living, Australia offers a welcoming environment for immigrants. Make sure to stay updated with the latest immigration policies and seek professional advice if needed to navigate the complexities of the process.


How can I apply for a visa to migrate from India to Australia?

To apply for a visa to migrate from India to Australia, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Right Visa: Identify the visa type that suits your qualifications and goals.
2. Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI): For skilled visas, submit an EOI through the SkillSelect system.
3. Receive an Invitation: If your EOI is selected, you will receive an invitation to apply for a visa.
4. Gather Documents: Collect all necessary documents, including skill assessments, English test results, and health and character certificates.
5. Submit Application: Complete and submit your visa application online through the Australian Department of Home Affairs website.
6. Attend Interviews/Exams: Attend any required interviews or medical examinations.
7. Await Decision: The Department of Home Affairs will review your application and inform you of the decision.

What are the different visa options available for migration to Australia from India?

Here are the main visa options for migrating to Australia from India:

  1. Skilled Migration Visas:
    • Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189)
    • Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190)
  2. Family Migration Visas:
    • Partner Visa (subclass 820/801 or 309/100)
    • Parent Visas (subclass 103 or 143)
    • Child Visa (subclass 101)
  3. Student Visa:
    • Student Visa (subclass 500)
  4. Business and Investment Visas:
    • Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa (subclass 188)
    • Business Talent (Permanent) Visa (subclass 132)
  5. Humanitarian and Refugee Visas:
    • Various subclasses depending on specific circumstances
What are the eligibility requirements for migrating to Australia from India?

Eligibility requirements vary by visa type but generally include:

  1. Age: For skilled visas, applicants usually must be under 45 years old.
  2. Skills and Qualifications: Relevant skills assessment by an Australian authority and inclusion on the Skilled Occupation List.
  3. English Proficiency: Proof of English language proficiency through tests like IELTS or PTE.
  4. Health and Character: Passing medical examinations and obtaining police clearance certificates.
  5. Points Test: For certain skilled visas, scoring a minimum number of points based on age, education, work experience, and English proficiency.
Can I bring my family with me when migrating to Australia from India?
Yes, you can bring your family with you when migrating to Australia. Family members such as spouses, dependent children, and, in some cases, other dependent relatives can be included in your visa application or sponsored through separate family visas. Specific conditions and requirements apply based on the visa category and family relationship.
How long does the migration process from India to Australia usually take?

The migration process time varies depending on the visa type and individual circumstances. Generally:

  • Skilled Visas: 6 to 12 months
  • Family Visas: 12 months or more (Partner visas often take longer)
  • Student Visas: 1 to 3 months
  • Business and Investment Visas: 12 to 18 months

Processing times can vary based on the complexity of the case, the volume of applications, and the completeness of submitted documents.

How much money do you need to immigrate to Australia from India?

The cost of migrating to Australia varies based on the visa type and personal circumstances. Here’s a general breakdown:

  1. Visa Application Fees:
    • Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189): Around AUD 4,640
    • Partner Visa: Around AUD 8,850
    • Student Visa: Around AUD 710
  2. Additional Costs:
    • Skill assessment fees: AUD 500 to 1500
    • English language test fees: AUD 340 to AUD 380
    • Medical examination fees: AUD 300 to AUD 500
    • Police clearance certificates: AUD 100 to AUD 200
  3. Proof of Funds: Depending on the visa, you might need to demonstrate you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family. For student visas, this can range from AUD 20,000 to AUD 60,000 per year, including tuition and living expenses.

These figures are approximate and can vary. It’s advisable to check the latest requirements and costs on the Australian Department of Home Affairs website or consult with a migration agent for accurate and updated information.

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