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Category: Immigration

Five things to do before migrating to Australia

Migrating to another country, especially with your family, is an overwhelming process. If you are about to migrate to Australia, there are certain things that you must do before leaving your home country. So here is a list of five important things that you have to do for a stress-free migration, before migrating to Australia.

Do your research for migrating to Australia

Before migrating to Australia, you must do as much research as possible regarding the life in Australia. You must have a clear idea about things such as moving costs, cost of living, accommodation options, and specialties of the area that you are planning to live, and schools in that area for your children. Based on this research, you can prepare a budget for migrating to Australia.

Find out the best visa category for you

Australia offers a number of options to those who want to migrate to the country. You have to find a category that suits you the best for migrating to Australia. You may also seek the help of your immigration consultant in order to select the best visa category for you. Most of the immigration applications are accepted on the basis of the documents you submit. So it is necessary that all your important documents like birth certificate, marriage etc. are up-to-date and meet the government’s requirements.

Get all documents ready for migrating to Australia

Get all documents needed for legal activities in Australia ready. If you don’t have any important document that you may need, try to get them as soon as possible. The documents include:

  • Birth certificate(of you and your family members)
  • Passport(of you and your family members)
  • Immunization records of your children, if you want to enroll them in Australian schools
  • Medical records
  • Copies of all school records, certificates, diplomas, degrees and academic transcripts
  • Travel insurance documents for the first few weeks in Australia
  • Letters of reference from your former employers
  • A portfolio with samples of your works
  • Driving license and international driving license

Try for a job before migrating to Australia

You may contact a few potential employers before migrating to Australia. You can even line up a few interviews before moving to Australia.

 Make arrangements to ship goods

You must make arrangements to move important goods you need before migrating to Australia. It is advisable to ship only the items you really need so that you can save money. Australia is an expensive country and you may bring expensive and essential things such as furniture. You can land in best shipping deals if you do a little research.

Contact us to know your options for Australia migration.

Top 5 Canada Immigration Myths Proved Wrong!

As the entire process of Canada immigration is a bit complicated, people have many misunderstandings and false impressions. If you are a Canada immigration aspirant, you must be able to distinguish myths from realities. Otherwise, you may face a lot of problems as a permanent resident and may even become expelled from the country. Here is a list of top common myths about Canada immigration that do the rounds as facts.

Myths about Canada immigration:

You can immigrate to Canada only if you have a job offer

It is a common misconception that you can immigrate to Canada only if you have a job offer from a Canadian employer. Though a job offer from a Canadian employer can increase your chances of being selected for Canada immigration, it is not at all necessary. Most of the immigrants have come to Canada without a job offer.

Moreover, for a formal job offer to be valid for Canada immigration, it has to be approved by Service Canada and requires a Labour Market Impact Assessment. On the other hand, if the job offer you have is an informal one from a friend or family member, it is not relevant to the application.

You need to be married to be qualified for Canada immigration

It is one of the most common myths that you need to be married in order to get permanent residence in Canada. As per Canada immigration laws, it is not necessary for an individual to be married in order to apply for permanent residence. But in order to be recognized as a couple both the individuals involved must have lived together for at least one year. If you could not live together for one year owing to genuine reasons, you can apply as conjugal partners and explain the reason to the Canada immigration officers.

You need to learn French

You do not have to learn French in order to immigrate to Canada. Canada has two official languages- English and French. Both have equal relevance when it comes to applying for Canada immigration and you need proficiency in either of these languages. For a vast majority of immigrants, English is their first language. The proficiency in English can be demonstrated by providing general IELTS results. Even in Quebec, a predominantly French province, you do not need proficiency in French in order to apply for Skilled Worker Program.

You can’t choose your career

It is another misconception about Canada immigration that you cannot continue to practice your profession in Canada. In order to practice certain occupations, you may need special certifications. You can obtain these certifications by attending tests or you may undergo training that will make you eligible to practice your own profession. On the positive side, it is neither necessary that you need to continue the same profession that you had been practicing in your home country. You can choose a new profession that suits your interests after arriving in Canada.

You have to stay in the same province you immigrated

Another general misconception is that you have to live in the particular province that you immigrated to. There are two types of programs for Canada immigration. The first ones are federal programs like Express Entry, which are for applicants who plan to live in Canada, except in Quebec. You also have provincial nominee programs for Canada immigration meant for applicants who intend to settle in a specific province. Quebec has a separate Canada immigration program for applicants who want to settle in Quebec. Whatever the programs you choose, once you become a permanent resident, you have the right to live or work anywhere in Canada.

Contact us to know more about Canada immigration

MPNP New Rules 2018: Immigrate to Manitoba

With lenient immigration policies and high standards of living, Canada has turned itself into a favorite destination for immigrants from across the world. In the past few years, Canada has further liberalized its immigration policies, making immigration to Canada much easier. Provincial Nominee Programs are one of the ways through which one can obtain permanent residence in Canada.

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is one of the most popular provincial nominee programs. A high number of employment opportunities and immigrant-friendly attitude make Manitoba, one of the most sought-after immigrant destinations. Recently several changes were introduced to Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. Now let’s find out how the MPNP new rules 2018 are going to influence immigration through MPNP.

MPNP new rules 2018

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) has undergone a complete overhaul for the year 2018. MPNP new rules 2018 include introduction of new immigration streams and pathways, including a dedicated pathway for Express Entry candidates. MPNP new rules 2018 also includes introduction of new streams for nomination of international students graduated in Manitoba and for business immigrants. Many of the pathways introduced as part of the MPNP new rules 2018 will be incorporated in the International Skilled Worker stream. All these changes are being introduced with an aim to attract more skilled workers to the province.

Streams under MPNP new rules 2018

With the introduction MPNP new rules 2018, there will be four streams with new pathways under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.

They are:

Skilled Worker Overseas Stream

  • Express Entry Pathway
  • Human Capital Pathway

Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream

  • Work Experience Pathway
  • Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway
  • International Education Stream
  • Career Employment Pathway
  • Business Investor Stream
  • Entrepreneur Pathway
  • Farm Investor Pathway

MPNP new rules 2018: Most popular pathways for Canada immigration through MPNP

Express Entry Skilled Workers Overseas Stream (MPNP news rules 2018)

The two major pathways under the Skilled Workers Overseas Stream are Express Entry and Human Capital. According to MPNP news rules 2018, an applicant of Express Entry pathway must fulfill the  following conditions:

  • They must have entered the Express Entry pool and have a valid Express Entry ID and Job Seeker Validation Code
  • They must prove that they have at least six months of work experience in one of the In-demand occupations as per the National Occupations Classification (NOC). They also have to submit a career plan based on the work opportunities in Manitoba
  • They must have the language proficiency or enough IELTS score at the level demanded by the particular job they choose in the NOC category.
  • They must have the educational qualifications demanded by the particular job they choose
  • They must be at least 18 years of age
  • The applicants must show their intention to settle and live in Manitoba
  • The applicant must have the financial capacity to support themselves and their families for at least six months after landing in Manitoba.

Human Capital Skilled Worker Stream( MPNP news rules 2018)

The Human Capital Stream aims to provide a secure pathway for international immigrants with experience in one of the In-Demand occupations in Manitoba. The conditions to qualify under this scheme as per MPNP news rules 2018 include:

  • At least six months of experience in the line of work in which the candidate is currently engaged in.
  • A minimum CLB 5 score in language proficiency
  • A bachelor’s degree. Those who have master’s degree have a higher chance of getting selected.
  • The applicant must express his/her intention to settle in Manitoba
  • The applicant must be at least 18 years of age
  • The applicant must have enough funds to settle in Manitoba

Contact us to know more about immigrating to Canada

Manitoba Business Immigration Requirements

Business investors and entrepreneurs can immigrate to Canada through the Business Investor Stream (BIS) of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). Those who meet the Manitoba business immigration requirements and those who have the intent and ability to start or purchase businesses in Manitoba can make use of this stream to settle in Canada.

The Business Investor Stream (BIS) has two pathways:

  • The Entrepreneur Pathway
  • The Farm Investor Pathway

The Entrepreneur Pathway is for those who are planning to start a business in Manitoba. The Farm Investor Pathway for the applicants who plan to establish and operate a farm in rural Manitoba. But there are certain differences in the Manitoba business immigration requirements for these two pathways.

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway

Within the first 24 months of arriving in Canada on a temporary work permit, the applicants must purchase a business or become partners in an existing business.

The Manitoba business immigration requirements for the Entrepreneur Pathway include:

Business Experience

The applicant must have minimum three years of full time work experience in the past five years either as an active business owner or as a senior manager of a successful business.

Official language proficiency

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway include a minimum of 5 in CLB/NCLC for the applicant


Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway include minimum education level of Canadian high school certificate or equivalent.


Though no minimum or maximum age is specified for the applicants of Entrepreneur pathway, ranking points are allocated to candidates in the 25-49 age group.

Business investment requirements

Certain business investment conditions have to be met as part of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for Entrepreneur Pathway. If the proposed business is situated at the Manitoba Capital Region, the applicant must invest a minimum of $250,000. If the business is situated outside Manitoba Capital Region, the minimum investment required is $150,000. Besides, the business must create at least one job for a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident residing in Manitoba.

Business Research Visit

Business Research Visit is one of the  Manitoba business immigration requirements that has to be met for immigration through the Entrepreneur Pathway. This visit must be conducted within one year prior to submitting the application.


An applicant can score points under adaptability factor if:

  • The applicant or his/her spouse has CLB/NCLC 5 or higher in the Second Official Language
  • A close relative of the applicant or his/her spouse or common law partner is residing in Manitoba for more than a year
  • The applicant’s child is enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution for at least six months prior to submitting the EOI
  • The applicant or his/her spouse or common law partner have completed a full-time study program of at least one year duration in Manitoba
  • The applicant or his/her spouse or common law partner have completed at least six months of continuous full time employment in Manitoba

Net Worth

The applicant must have a minimum personal net worth of $500,000. It is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements through the Entrepreneur Pathway.  It will be verified by a third-party supplier approved by the MPNP.

Business Performance Agreement

If the application is approved, a Business Performance Agreement (BPA) must be signed prior to the MPNP issuing a letter of support for applying for a work permit.

Manitoba business immigration requirements Farm investor pathway

The Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) is for the investors with proven farm business experience who plan to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba.

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm investor pathway include:

Farm business experience

Farm business experience is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP). The applicant must have minimum three years of experience in farm ownership and operation.

Proficiency in Official Languages

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) include proficiency in official languages of Canada. The applicant is expected to have proficiency in English or French.

Farm business investment

Investing at least $300,000 for establishing a farming business in rural Manitoba is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for immigration through Farm Investor Pathway (FIP).

Farm Business Research Visit

The applicant is supposed to conduct a Farm Business Research Visit to Manitoba. This is one of the Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP)

Farm Business Activities

Manitoba business immigration requirements include the condition that the farm business entity must have ongoing and recurring business activities in rural Manitoba. The applicant must live on the farm and actively manage the farm business.

Economic Establishment Adaptability

The applicant must demonstrate adaptability in practical farming skills, technical knowledge and experience in technological based farming practices.

Net worth

Manitoba business immigration requirements for Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) include a net worth of at least $500,000 for the applicant.

Please contact us to know about Manitoba business immigration

A Brief About Immigration to Canada from India

Of late, immigration to Canada from India has become a great option for many Indians to build a bright future for themselves and their families in Canada. Canada has always been attracting immigrants from India with lots of opportunities and better living standards. Canada has become the most attractive destination for immigrants not only from India but from countries around the world as well, owing to its pro-immigrant policies and the better social status it offers to immigrants.

Immigration to Canada from India, why is it a good option?

Immigration to Canada from India is the best decision you can take for yourself and your family if you have the qualifications to apply for permanent residence in Canada. Thousands of Indians have migrated to Canada over the past many years and found a better life and better employment opportunities there. Today, immigrants of Indian origin have become a significant part of the Canadian society.

Why is Immigration to Canada from India attractive?

Immigration to Canada from India has a long history. Canada is a country founded by immigrants. Hence, it has a long history welcoming immigrant and has a lenient immigration policy. Canada also takes only lesser time for the processing of PR application compared to many other countries. These days, PR applications get processed within as little as six months. So once you start the immigration procedure, you may be able to immigrate to Canada within one year. This also makes immigration to Canada from India attractive.

In the past one decade, Canada has adopted several steps to make the country an attractive destination for immigrants. The country targets to welcome 300,000 immigrants every year. The other reasons that make immigration to Canada from India attractive:

  • Canada is one of the topmost countries in the world when it comes to high living standards. Canada has a low mortality rate, low crime rate, free school education and healthcare.
  • Canada is a multicultural society and you are free to carry forward your language, culture, and religion
  • In Canada, English is the main language, so communication won’t be a problem for Indian immigrants

Pathways for immigration to Canada from India

Canada offers various immigration programs to immigrate to the country. These include federal Express Entry system and provincial nominee programs(PNPs). But most of these programs are point based. So you must ensure that you can score sufficient points and meet the eligibility criteria.

You can immigrate to Canada as a skilled worker, graduate, investor or family member of a Canadian permanent resident or citizen. The options for immigration to Canada from India include Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, and Quebec Skilled Worker Program.

Express Entry for immigration to Canada from India

Canada launched Express Entry program in January 2015. It has three categories:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trade Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

Besides, most of the provincial nominee programs(PNPs) have streams linked to the Express Entry system that helps provincial nominee programs to select eligible candidates from the Express Entry pool.

Provincial Nominee Programs for immigration to Canada from India

Canadian provinces accept applications for immigration through provincial nominee programs. The labor market of each province might be demanding different skillsets, so it will be ideal for applicants to choose the right PNP that demand their skills to apply.

Quebec Skilled Worker Program for immigration to Canada from India

Quebec Skilled Worker Program is the exclusive programs through which the province of Quebec nominates candidates for immigration. If you meet the given criteria, you will receive a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) for Canada Permanent Residency.

Are you interested to know about immigration to Canada from India? Please contact us to know more!

New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream : All You Need To Know

The New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream of New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP)  was launched with an aim to use the Express Entry  system of IRCC  (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) to meet the specific labour market and demographic needs of New Brunswick. In order to be eligible to apply for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream, the candidate must score a minimum 67 points out of 100 in the selection factors for the Federal Skilled Worker Class and meet other criteria.

New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream: Accepting applications

New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream opens to accept Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from eligible candidates once in every month. Once this quota is filled, applications are accepted from those currently working in New Brunswick, those who demonstrate French as a first language and those who have experience in one of the priority occupations of the program.

How to submit EoI for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream

The first step in submitting EoI for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream is to find out if you are eligible for the program. If you meet the requirements for the program, you can fill the EoI form and submit it.

Based on the information you provide, you will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Highest score
  • Training and experience in a high priority sector

-Demonstrated capacity to economically establish yourself in New Brunswick

-Chances of you contributing positively to the New Brunswick labour market

If NBPNP finds you eligible for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream, you will receive an invitation to apply by mail, after which you must submit a full application for the New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream within 60 calendar days. If your application is successful, you will be able to receive NBPNP nomination within 30 days.

Eligibility requirements for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream

In order to be eligible for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream, a candidate must:

  • Be between 22 to 55 of age
  • Have required level of proficiency either English or French
  • Canadian secondary or post-secondary level education. If the candidate studied in a foreign country, an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report, issued by an organization designated by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will be required.
  • Minimum one year of experience in the primary occupation. The experience must be earned within 10 years before submitting the application
  • Sign a form expressing Commitment to Live and Work in New Brunswick
  • Demonstrate financial capacity to support oneself as well as all dependent family members while settling in the province.

Selection factors for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream

In order to be eligible for New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream, the candidates must score a minimum of 67 out of 100 on the points grid. Points are awarded based on credentials–education, language ability, work experience, age, adaptability factors, and whether the candidate has an arranged job offer from a New Brunswick-based employer.

Maximum points for each factor:

Selection factor Points
Education 25
Language ability in English and/or French 28
Work experience 15
Age 12
Arranged employment in New Brunswick 10
Adaptability 10
Total 100
Points required to be eligible 67


Want to know more about Canada immigration? Feel free to contact us!

Best Business Universities In Canada

Canada offers a wide variety of options in business education for international students. The country has over 60 university-level business schools offering undergraduate business courses. Most of Canada’s community colleges offer diploma courses in Business and the best business universities in Canada offer a wide range of business specializations.

Maclean’s, a popular news magazine, released its 2018 ranking of Canadian universities that offer courses at various levels in business and entrepreneurship.

Here is the list of 10 best business universities in Canada, according to Maclean’s:

University of British Columbia (UBC)

The UBC Sauder School of Business offers a range of graduate and undergraduate courses. The School also has specialized research centers that focuses on innovation, impact investing, urban economics etc. All these factors have made University of British Columbia number one among the best business universities in Canada.

University of Toronto

The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto has been offering courses in commerce and management ever since 1901. The School offers undergraduate and graduate programs in streams including business administration, finance, and commerce. University of Toronto shares first rank with the University of British Columbia among the best business universities in Canada.

University of Alberta

The School of Business of the University of Alberta was founded in 1916. The School offers courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels and hosts executive education and lifelong learning programs. The University also has an entrepreneurship center called eHUB, which offers resources, networking opportunities, and funding to students and teams of students. University of Alberta has second place among the best business universities in Canada.

Western University

The Ivey School of Business of Western University, ranked fourth among the best business universities in Canada has fewer programs compared to other business schools, but their programs are renowned for high quality. The undergraduate Honours Business Administration course is offered in 2+2 format. It means students can study the subject of their interest in the first two years, then study business in the last two years.  The students can also spend a semester abroad, as part of exchange programs. These unique options for students make Western University one of the best business universities in Canada.

McGill University

The Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University, located in Montreal, offers BCom, MBA, and PhD programs. The institution also offers interdisciplinary programs such as the Doctor of Medicine (MD)/MBA and MBA/Law programs.

Ranked fifth among the best business universities in Canada, McGill offers options including 12 different majors, 13 different concentrations, four different honours) and three different minors.

York University

York University is ranked sixth among the best business universities in Canada. The Schulich School of Business at York University offers Bachelor of Business Administration program. The School also has six MBA programs, which include an MBA in India, and a joint MBA/Master of Fine Arts/Master of Arts program.

Queens University

The Smith School of Business of Queen’s University has international students from around 100 countries. Ranked seventh among the best business universities in Canada, the business school of the university offers a BCom program and four MBA programs. The School also organizes several coop programs, coaching services and network events.

McMaster University

The DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University, eighth among the best business universities in Canada, offers a number of study programs such as Bachelor of Commerce, MBA and PhD programs. The School also has an Internship Program for Commerce students, under which they can work for 12 to 16 months. The high-quality education programs make McMaster University one among the 10 best business universities in Canada.

Université de Montréal

The business school of Université de Montréal, ranked ninth among the best business universities in Canada offers undergraduate, graduate and PhD degree courses. HEC Montreal, the French language school under the university, offers Bachelor of Business Administration in various languages: French-language, bilingual (French and English), and trilingual (French, English, and Spanish).

University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo, ranked 10th among the best business universities in Canada, does not have a dedicated business school. But the university offers a number of business-related interdisciplinary programs, which makes the university one of the best business universities in Canada. The student can also select a four-month study term and four-month paid work term. The coop programs help students to gain work experience in Fortune 500 companies, start-ups and other organizations.

Contact us to know more about studying business in Canada!

Benefits of obtaining a Canada Green Card

A Green Card is a status document issued by the US government that allows an individual to legally enter, work and reside in the US. Though Canada does not issue a green card, the permanent resident card issued by Canada can be called Canada green card and it is very much similar to US green card. Like the US Green Card, the “Canada green card” allows individuals to live and work in Canada.

But there are also certain remarkable differences between Canada green card and US green card. While the US green card gives the bearer permission to live and work in the US, a Canadian permanent resident card or Canada green card gives the bearer right to live and work in Canada. While in the US, permanent residence is a privilege, in Canada, it is a legal entitlement

Benefits of having a Canada Green Card

Canada Green Card or Canada Permanent Residence card offers a number of benefits and rights to its holder.

1. As per the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, a permanent resident have the right to live and work anywhere in Canada.

  • He/she can move freely throughout the country and work in any Canadian province.
  • A permanent resident can sponsor their family to live in Canada.
  • If a permanent resident’s child is born in Canada, the child will be conferred with Canadian citizenship
  • A permanent resident has access to the universal healthcare services of Canada

How to keep your Canada Green Card or Permanent Residence Card valid?

While a Canada permanent resident card or Canada green card holder is free to leave the country, he/she has to physically reside in Canada for a minimum of 730 days during a period of five years. The days need not be consecutive. The permanent residence card or Canada green card will be revoked if the holder does not stay in Canada for the allotted time.

While returning from another country, the permanent resident will have to present his permanent residency card or Canada green card to the visa officer. So it is important to carry this card while travelling.

Canada Permanent Residence Card and US Green Card: Differences

  • While a US green card gives the holder permission to live and work in the US, a Canadian permanent residence card gives the holder right to live and work in Canada.
  • US green card holders must show their cards to US authorities anytime they demand. But Canada permanent resident cardholders need to show their card only while re-entering Canada after an international travel.

How to obtain Canada green card?

Canada green card or permanent resident card can be obtained through one of the following ways or streams:

The Independent/Skilled Worker Category

To qualify for permanent residence card or Canada green card under this category, the applicant must have the educational qualifications, skills and work experience, which will be assessed using a point system. Points are also given for various other credentials such as age, language proficiency, work experience and education and the applicants require minimum 67 out of  100 points to qualify.

Business Immigration

This category is for investors and self-employed persons to obtain the “Canada green card”. The investors must invest a specific amount of money in a Canadian business and must have enough experience in running a business. The self-employed applicants must be able to purchase or establish a business in Canada.

Family Class

Under family class category, a permanent resident or citizen of Canada can sponsor their close relative or spouse to become permanent residents or Canada green card holders in the country.

Canadian Experience Class

Under this category, individuals who have come to Canada for studies or with the temporary work permit can apply for a Canada green card or permanent residence in Canada. But the applicant must be proficient in one of the two official languages of Canada and have work experience in Canada.

Contact us to know more about immigrating to Canada

Biometrics requirements while applying for Canada immigration

As part of the expansion of biometric program, Canada has decided to make it mandatory for most of the immigration applicants to submit biometrics including fingerprints and a photo. Biometrics is the measurement of an individual’s unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints and facial features. The purpose of collecting biometric details is to verify the applicant’s identity. It reduces the chances of false or mistaken identity and thus protect the integrity of the Canadian immigration system.

Starting from July 31st, 2018, onwards, every applicant of visitor visa, study or work permit (except U.S. nationals), or permanent residence will have to provide their biometrics as part of the application process. Repeat travellers to Canada will have to provide biometrics once in every 10 years.

With the help of biometrics, Canada immigration authorities aim to prevent:

  • identity fraud and theft;
  • known criminals from entering Canada;
  • deportees from re-entering Canada without permission; and
  • failed refugee claimants from re-entering Canada using false identity documents.

But the following categories of persons are exempted from providing biometrics:

  • Canadian citizens, citizenship applicants (including passport applicants), or existing permanent residents;
  • children under the age of 14;
  • applicants over the age of 79 (there is no upper age exemption for asylum claimants);
  • visa-exempt nationals coming to Canada as tourists who hold a valid Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA);
  • heads of state and heads of government;
  • cabinet ministers and accredited diplomats of other countries and the United Nations, coming to Canada on official business;
  • U.S. visa holders transiting through Canada;
  • refugee claimants or protected persons who have already provided biometrics and are applying for a study or work permit;
  • temporary resident applicants who have already provided biometrics in support of a permanent resident application that is still in progress.

If the applicant is in Canada at the time of applying for a visa, study permit or work permit, he/she need not give biometrics.

The new rule will come into effect on July 31, 2018, for the applicants from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The applicants from Asia, Asia Pacific and the Americas will be required to provide biometrics from December 31, 2018.

Biometric service points

The applicants are supposed to provide their biometrics at their nearest biometric service points. Currently, there are 192 biometric service points across the world, including the United States.

In India, biometric service points are located in:

  • Ahmedabad
  • Bangalore
  • Chandigarh
  • Chennai
  • Hyderabad
  • Jalandhar
  • Kolkata
  • Mumbai
  • New Delhi
  • Pune

In United Arab Emirates, biometric service points are located in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
The biometric information of the applicants will be encrypted and sent to a secure database of the Government of Canada. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) will check these details against the records of:

  • criminals
  • refugee claimants
  • deportees and
  • temporary resident applicants

Any matches to existing RCMP records will be analyzed by the visa officer, who will use the information to make a final decision on the application. When the applicant arrives in Canada, an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will verify your identity using the biometric details that you have already submitted.
The Government of Canada has assured the safety of the biometric information. The information collected at the service point will be deleted after sending to the Canadian Immigration Biometrics Identification System.
Contact us for expert Canada migration assistance

Why Bulgaria the best option for ‘Immigration by Investment’?

Bulgaria is a country located in the southeastern Europe sharing borders with Greece, the Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey. The country is one of the youngest members of the European Union. A rich and diverse culture and beautiful climate make Bulgaria an attractive destination for immigration. A member of the European Union, Bulgaria is the second fastest growing economy in the Union with the lowest tax burden to its citizens. Foreign nationals can acquire Bulgarian citizenship through investment in the country. Bulgarian passport opens an accessible and transparent path to Europe for investors from other continents.

Bulgarian citizenship: Benefits

  • With Bulgarian citizenship, you can obtain residency within six to nine months
  • You have fast-track option for citizenship within two years
  • You have investment options approved by the government and financing options are also available from banks
  • No language requirements to obtain citizenship
  • You need not give up current nationality or citizenship
  • Tax rates are low
  • You can enjoy the benefits of free-trade environment in the European Union

Bulgarian citizenship offers a lot of benefits to you and your family. It gives your children access to European education. With Bulgarian passport, you can travel across Europe and a lot of other countries without a visa. In Bulgaria, you can make safe investments in government bonds. Bulgaria is the ideal choice if your family is also included in your plans.

Why Bulgarian citizenship is worth it?

Travel visa-free: A Bulgarian citizen can travel to 142 countries without visa

European citizenship: Bulgarian citizenship offers you the option to travel, study, work and live in any of the 28 countries of the European Union

Cheapest choice: Bulgarian citizenship is the cheapest way for you to live, enjoy and be a part the  European life

European education for children: Your children, as European citizens, can enjoy affordable education upto PhD level, as European students need not pay fees in public education institutions

Safe and profitable investment: Bulgarian government bonds are a guaranteed investment, which will be refunded after five years. You will also receive good interest for the investment.

No language requirements: In order to be eligible for Bulgarian citizenship, there are no language requirements. Medical tests or interviews are also not needed.

Buy property in Europe: Bulgarian citizenship makes you eligible to buy land and other immovable properties in Bulgaria and a few other European countries.

Residency not required: In order to become a Bulgarian citizen, it is not necessary that you have lived in the country before.


Want to know more about Citizenship by Investment in Bulgaria? Please contact us