Quebec is introducing a new Expression of Interest system on August 2nd , 2018, with an aim to streamline the processing of Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) applications. Certain changes have also been introduced to the current points grid of the QWSP, which determines the eligibility of the candidates for the Quebec Selection Certificate. Though the points awarded for most of the factors remain the same, points awarded for certain other factors have been changed.
As per the current points grid, the points given for a Validated Employment Offer is 10. In the new points grid, the points awarded for this factor is 14. Likewise, variables under the “Stay and Family in Quebec” factor will be weighted differently, though the points awarded will be retained at 8.
Quebec Skilled Worker Program: Minimum cut-off scores
In order to be eligible to apply for the Quebec Selection Certificate, a candidate must earn minimum cut-off points. In the initial stage, the candidate must earn the cut-off score for education, which is two points and minimum one point for financial self-sufficiency.
In the next stage, candidates must meet the cut-off score of 43 points in Employability factors. For candidates with a spouse or common-law partner, the minimum cut-off score required is 52. The factors in the Employability group include education, work experience, language proficiency. Points are also awarded to time spent in Quebec, family in Quebec and a validated employment offer.
In the final stage, the candidate must score minimum cut-off under Selection factors. Here, the minimum required score is 50 points and 59 points for candidates with a spouse or common-law partner. Accompanying children, financial self-sufficiency are some of the important factors under Selection category.
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