The Quebec population, with a low birth rate, is aging faster than the rest of the country, finds a recent study conducted by the Conference Board of Canada. The dwindling population means lower tax revenues, which would lead to lower economic growth. If the population growth of Quebec continues to below, it would affect the quality of life of Quebecers, as a slump in tax revenues would affect the funding of their social benefits such as free healthcare, school education and subsidized daycare.
Demographic experts are of the opinion that in order to sustain the current economic growth rate, Quebec will have to double the immigration intake level. In the recent years, Canada has been welcoming around 50000 immigrants annually. This is the second highest immigration intake rate among all the provinces and territories of Canada, the first being Ontario.
According to the study by Conference Board of Canada, Quebec will have more deaths than births by 2028. At national level, the same situation is expected to happen only 2034. So, compared to other provinces and territories, Quebec urgently needs to find ways to increase the population growth.
Quebec has been trying to promote higher birth rates through so many new initiatives such as universal daycare program. But despite all these, the birthrate remains lower than the national average. The study by Conference Board of Canada predicts that 100 per cent of Quebec’s population growth will come through immigration by 2023.
Last week, Quebec announced that it will increase the immigration target for 2020 to 44500 and the earlier immigration cap of 50000 will be restored by 2022. But according to experts, this level is too low, considering the demographic circumstances of the province. If this level of immigration intake is retained till 2040, the economic growth rate of Canada would be only around 1.4 per cent per annum, while the forecast average Canadian economic growth rate would be 1.9 per cent.
Slow population growth will also make a negative impact on economy as business organizations would hesitate to invest in the province. The reason is that lower population growth also means it would be difficult to find workers compared to other provinces.
According to the Quebec-Canada accord, the province can admit a percentage share of immigrants in proportion to its demographic weight in Canada. It means the province can welcome at least 23 per cent of Canada’s immigrants or 75000 immigrants in total every year. If Canada continues to increase its immigration level, and if Quebec also increases its immigration intake proportionally, the province would be welcoming over 80,000 newcomers annually in the near future.
Quebec needs immigrants to sustain social development and economic growth. If you are looking to migrate to a place with good living standards and great career opportunities, Quebec is the right destination for you. Contact us to know your options to migrate to Quebec.