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Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026 Aligns With New Strategy To Improve Immigration System

Canada's Immigration Levels Plan

Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced plans to improve Canada’s immigration system. It has come at a time when Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is executing its new immigration strategy, entitled An Immigration System for Canada’s Future. Following it, Canada has released its new immigration levels plan for 2024-2026 alongside Quebec’s plan for 2024-2025. 

Watch the Announcement 

Minister Miller’s Strategy to Improve Canada’s Immigration System

The strategy focuses on three key areas:

Modernizing the immigration system: The government will invest in technology and other resources to make the immigration system more efficient and user-friendly. It is working on a new operating platform, Digital Platform Modernization (DPM). This includes improving application processing times and making it easier for newcomers to submit and track their applications online.

Aligning immigration with labor market needs: The government will work to expand opportunities for international students and temporary workers to stay in Canada. It will develop new programs to attract and retain talent in in-demand sectors such as construction, healthcare, and engineering. 

Developing a comprehensive and coordinated growth plan: The government will work with provinces, territories, municipalities, and other stakeholders to develop a national immigration growth plan that takes into account the needs of all Canadians. This will include addressing issues such as housing and healthcare, and ensuring that newcomers are able to fully integrate into their communities.

Minister Miller said that the new strategy is essential for ensuring that Canada remains a global leader in immigration. “Immigration is essential to our economy, our society, and our culture,” he said. “This strategy will help us to attract and retain the best and brightest from around the world, and to ensure that newcomers are able to succeed and contribute to our country.”

Canada’s New Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026 

Canada will welcome 500,000 new immigrants per year in 2025, and 2026, according to the new Immigration Levels Plan released. However, the country will target 485,000 new immigrants in 2024. 

This is the same target as the previous plan but with a new focus on attracting and retaining French-speaking immigrants outside of Quebec. The new plan also includes a number of other changes, such as:

?Increased targets for economic immigrants, including those in the skilled trades and technology sectors
?More flexibility to admit immigrants who are already in Canada on a temporary basis
?New measures to support family reunification

Here is a more detailed breakdown of Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026:

?Economic class: 281,135 in 2024, rising to 301,250 in 2026
?Family class: 114,000 in 2024, rising to 118,000 in 2026
?Humanitarian class: 89,865 in 2024, remaining at that level in 2025 and 2026

The plan also sets a target of 6% French-speaking permanent residents outside Quebec in 2024, rising to 8% in 2026.

Furthermore, Quebec also announced its new immigration plan. Quebec is the only province with annual permanent resident admissions targets. The French-dominant province will welcome 50,000 new immigrants in 2024, and another 50,000 immigrants in 2025.

Immigrants play a vital role in Canada’s workforce, and they also contribute to the country’s cultural diversity. The new plan will help to ensure that Canada continues to attract and retain the best and brightest from around the world.

You can learn more about your chances of immigration to Canada. Book your free appointment with CanApprove to get started!

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