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Job vacancies in Canada continue to remain high

Job vacancies in Canada

The job vacancies in Canada continued to remain high in December last year, as the same in November, revealed a report by Statistics Canada. The highest number of job vacancies was reported in the healthcare and social assistance sector. In healthcare and social assistance sector, job vacancies increased by 18200, which indicates a rebound after a drop in November. At the same time, the number of job vacancies remained stable in 14 out of 20 sectors, including accommodation and food services, retail trade, construction, manufacturing, professional, scientific, and technical services. Canada pnp finder

Highest demand for health workers in Canada

In the healthcare sector, the highest number of job vacancies was reported for physicians, nurses and other workers. Job vacancies in the healthcare sector have more than doubled since the beginning of the pandemic. In December, job vacancies in this sector accounted for 17.7 percent of all vacancies in Canada. In 2020, it was only 13.6 percent of the total number of vacancies. 

Payroll employment also increased in the healthcare sector in December to 6.2 percent in December, compared to 3.5 percent in February 2020.

Manitoba records highest number of job vacancies

The most growth in job vacancies in December was recorded in Manitoba. British Columbia and Quebec were other two provinces that recorded a high job vacancy rate. In Ontario, the highest number of people landed paying jobs in December, 36900 in total. In Quebec, 18,900 people landed jobs in December, followed by Alberta, where 12700 people landed paying jobs. At the same time, the number of paid workers increased by 11500 in British Columbia. 

Increase in wages for workers in Canada

The labour shortages in Canada have led to an increase in wages for employees. In the past year, the average wages increased 3.4 per cent and hit $1173.90 per week. 

The high number of job vacanies is a positive sign for immigration aspirants to Canada, as it indicates that more immigrants would get a chance to build a successful career in the country. Do you wish to know more about migrating to Canada? Talk to the Canada immigration experts of CanApprove. Contact us now!

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