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A million job vacancies awaiting workers in Canada

Job vacancies

The Canadian economy, which is fast recovering from the impact of the pandemic, has created numerous job vacancies in various sectors, increasing the demand for skilled workers across the country. In March 2022, the number of job vacancies in Canada reached record high, 1012900 in total, which means more than a million. The vacancies increased by 22.6 per cent, almost 186000 positions more in that month. This data was released by Statistics Canada in its Payroll Employment, Earnings and Hours, and Job Vacancies Report for March 2022.

The major reason for the increase in the number of job vacancies in Canada is the easing of pandemic restrictions. The number of payroll employees has also increased in the past few months. This is largely attributed to the relaxing of public health measures. Quebec is the province which had the biggest rise in the number of job vacancies in March 2022. A total of 20400 new paid jobs were created in the month of March, in accommodations and food services sector with the reopening of bars and casinos. The average weekly earnings of workers also increased in Canada during the month of March by 0.9 per cent and reached $1170. It means the pay for an average worker increased by 4.3 per cent in March.

Canada immigration and employment

The immigration system of Canada is designed in such a way to fill the labour shortage in the country. This is the major reason why Canada has a number of immigration pathways targeting skilled workers. Almost a quarter of Canada’s total workforce is comprised of immigrants. So Canada has plans to increase the immigration levels in the in the coming years.

Canada to welcome more immigrants

In 2022, Canada will be welcoming 431645 permanent residents. The target for 2023 is 447055 and in the next year, 451000 permanent residents would be welcomed by Canada. So, Canada will be welcoming a total of more than 1.3 million immigrants over the next three years. In 2022, almost, 56 percent of the immigrants would be admitted through economic class pathways such as Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Program and Temporary to Permanent Residence Stream.

Immigration is one of the major drivers of economic growth in Canada and it accounts for almost all of the nation’s employment growth. That is the reason why Canada is giving so much importance to immigration. If you are planning to migrate to Canada, this is the right time to start the process.

To find out more, connect with CanApprove, the best consultancy service provider for education and immigration.

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