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Month: March 2024

കാനഡയിലെ ഇന്റർഡിസിപ്ലിനറി പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്‌സുകൾ

പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്‌സുകൾ

സങ്കീർണ്ണവും ഗുരുതരവും സുദീർഘവുമായ രോഗങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളവരുടെ ജീവിതനിലവാരം മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനും ക്ലേശങ്ങൾ കുറയ്ക്കുന്നതിനുമായി  വിവിധ ആരോഗ്യശാഖകൾ ഏകോപിപ്പിച്ച് നടത്തുന്ന ചികിത്സയാണ് പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ. രോഗിയുടെ ജീവിതനിലവാരം മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുകയും രോഗവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ അനുഭവിക്കുന്ന രോഗിയുടെ കുടുംബാംഗങ്ങൾക്ക് ആവശ്യമായ പിന്തുണ നൽകുകയും ചെയ്യുക എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യത്തോടെ നൽകുന്ന ചികിത്സ എന്നതാണ് പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയറിന് നൽകാവുന്ന ഏറ്റവും നല്ല നിർവ്വചനം.

രോഗം ശമിപ്പിക്കുവാനും ആയുർദൈർഘ്യം വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കുവാനും രോഗത്തിൻറെ ഏതു ഘട്ടത്തിലും മറ്റു ചികിത്സകളോടൊപ്പം തന്നെ പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സയും നൽകാറുണ്ട്. മരണം കാത്തുകിടക്കുന്നവർക്കും പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സ നൽകാറുണ്ട്. മുൻപ് കാൻസർ രോഗികൾക്ക് മാത്രമാണ് പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സ നൽകിയിരുന്നതെങ്കിൽ ഇപ്പോൾ ഹൃദയസ്തംഭനം, മറ്റു ഹൃദ്രോഗങ്ങൾ, ഗുരുതരമായ നാഡീരോഗങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയുള്ളവർക്കും പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സ നൽകിവരുന്നുണ്ട്.

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ഗുരുതരവും ചികിൽസിച്ച് ഭേദമാക്കുവാൻ സാധിക്കാത്തതുമായ രോഗങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളവരെ പരിചരിക്കാൻ ആവശ്യമായ സഹാനുഭൂതിയുള്ള ഒരു മനസ്സാണ് ഈ രംഗത്ത് ജോലി ചെയ്യുവാൻ പ്രധാനമായും വേണ്ടത്. ഒരു പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സകൻ/ചികിത്സക ആകുവാൻ നിങ്ങൾ റെഡിയാണോ? എങ്കിൽ അതിനുവേണ്ടിയുള്ള പഠനം തുടങ്ങാൻ പറ്റിയ സമയം ഇതാണ്. കാനഡയിലെ ഉന്നതപഠനസ്ഥാപനങ്ങളിൽ ഇന്റർഡിസിപ്ലിനറി പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്‌സുകൾ പഠിക്കുവാൻ സാധിക്കും.


ഇന്റർഡിസിപ്ലിനറി പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്‌സുകൾ

മാരകമായ രോഗങ്ങൾ ബാധിച്ചവർക്ക് പാലിയേറ്റിവ് ചികിത്സ നല്കുന്നതുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട അടിസ്ഥാനആശയങ്ങളെപ്പറ്റിയും പ്രശ്നങ്ങളെ പറ്റിയും പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്‌സിൽ നിങ്ങൾ പഠിക്കും. ജീവിതനിലവാരവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ, ചികിത്സാരീതികളും ഗവേഷങ്ങങ്ങളും, മരണത്തിൻറെ സാമൂഹികവും വ്യക്തിപരവും സാംസ്കാരികവുമായ വശങ്ങളും വിശ്വാസങ്ങളും മൂല്യങ്ങളും ചികിത്സാപ്രക്രിയയുമെല്ലാം കോഴ്‌സിൽ പഠനവിഷയമാകും.

സുധീർഘവും ഗുരുതരവുമായ രോഗങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളവരും എന്നാൽ വ്യത്യസ്ത ആരോഗ്യനിലകളിൽ ഉള്ളവരുമായ രോഗികൾക്കാണ് പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സ നൽകുന്നത്. അതുകൊണ്ട് രോഗിയുടെ അവസ്ഥ, രോഗം, കുടുംബത്തിൻറെ അവസ്ഥ എന്നിവയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലാണ് പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സകൾ നിശ്ചയിക്കുന്നത്.

കോഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ  ഈ മേഖലയിലെ വിദഗ്ധർ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങൾ നൽകുകയും നിങ്ങളുടെ  പഠനപ്രക്രിയക്ക്  മേൽനോട്ടം വഹിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും. അത്യാധുനികസംവിധാനങ്ങൾ ഉള്ള ലാബുകളിലും ഫീൽഡ് വർക്ക് വഴിയും പ്രവൃത്തിപരിചയം നേടുവാനുള്ള അവസരമുണ്ടായിരിക്കും. പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ചികിത്സയിൽ വൈദഗ്ധ്യം നേടുവാൻ കാനഡയിൽ പഠിക്കാം. പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്‌സുകൾ ഉള്ള കാനഡയിലെ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങൾ താഴെ പറയുന്നവയാണ്:

  • ലേക്ക്‌ഹെഡ്‌ യൂണിവേഴ്‌സിറ്റി
  • മോഹാക് കോളേജ്
  • നയാഗര കോളേജ്
  • മക്ഗിൽ യൂണിവേഴ്‌സിറ്റി
  • സെന്റിനിയൽ കോളേജ്
  • ദുർഹം കോളേജ്



കാനഡയിൽ വൃദ്ധരുടെ എണ്ണം കൂടുതലായതിനാൽ അവർക്ക് ചികിത്സയും കരുതലും നൽകുന്ന ജോലിക്കാരെ വളരെയധികം ആവശ്യമുണ്ട്. അതിനാൽ പഠനം കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ അനേകം തൊഴിലവസരങ്ങൾ കാനഡയിൽ തന്നെ നിങ്ങളെ കാത്തിരിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. അവയിൽ ചിലത് താഴെ പറയുന്നു:

  • പാലിയേറ്റിവ് ആൻഡ് എൻഡ് ഓഫ് ലൈഫ് കെയർഗിവർ
  • പാലിയേറ്റിവ് നഴ്സ് പ്രാക്ടീഷണർ
  • മെഡിക്കൽ ഡിറക്റ്റർ
  • സോഷ്യൽ വർക്കർ
  • പാലിയേറ്റിവ് പ്രോജക്റ്റ് മാനേജർ
  • ഡെവലപ്മെൻറ് ആൻഡ് ഫണ്ട്റൈസിംഗ് ഓഫിസർ
  • ക്ലിനിക്കൽ എജുക്കേഷൻ മാനേജർ
  • ഇന്റൻസീവ് കെയർ പ്രൊവൈഡർ


എന്തുകൊണ്ട് കാനഡ?

കാനഡയിൽ പഠിക്കുന്ന വിദേശവിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾ ഒട്ടനവധി ഗുണഫലങ്ങൾ അനുഭവിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. അവയിൽ ചിലത് താഴെപ്പറയുന്നു:

  •  അന്താരാഷ്ട്രനിലവാരമുള്ള വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം
  • കുറഞ്ഞ പഠന-ജീവിതച്ചെലവുകൾ
  • മികച്ച തൊഴിലവസരങ്ങൾ
  • മികച്ച വിദേശജീവിതാനുഭവം
  • പോസ്റ്റ് സ്റ്റഡി വർക്ക് പെർമിറ്റ്
  • അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര അംഗീകാരമുള്ള ബിരുദം
  • സാംസ്‌കാരിക വൈവിധ്യം
  • തൊഴിലിൽ പ്രവൃത്തിപരിചയം
  • കാനഡയിൽ സ്ഥിരതാമസമാക്കാൻ എളുപ്പം

വിദേശത്ത് ഉന്നതപഠനം നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വപ്നമാണോ? എങ്കിൽ അതിന് ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച രാജ്യം കാനഡയാണ്. തയ്യാറെടുപ്പുകൾ ഇപ്പോൾ തന്നെ തുടങ്ങൂ.



കാനഡയിലെ കോളേജുകളിലും  സർവ്വകലാശാലകളിലും വിദേശവിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് പഠിക്കാൻ സാധിക്കുന്ന നിരവധി കോഴ്‌സുകൾ വ്യത്യസ്ത പഠനശാഖകളിലായുണ്ട്. ഇന്റർഡിസിപ്ലിനറി പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ കോഴ്സ് പഠിക്കാൻ മികച്ച അവസരമാണിത്. ഒരു പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ ഗിവർ നിങ്ങൾക്കാഗ്രഹമുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ കാനപ്പ്രൂവ് വഴി അപേക്ഷിക്കൂ.

1998 മുതൽ കഴിഞ്ഞ 21 വർഷങ്ങളായി വിദേശപഠനത്തിനും കാനഡ കുടിയേറ്റത്തിനുമായി മികച്ച സേവനങ്ങളാണ് കാനപ്പ്രൂവ് നൽകി  വരുന്നത്.  വിദേശപഠനം എന്ന നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വപ്നം യാഥാർഥ്യമാക്കുവാനായി ഓരോ ഘട്ടത്തിലും നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ സദാ സന്നദ്ധരാണ്. കാനഡയിലെ   ഇന്റർഡിസിപ്ലിനറി പാലിയേറ്റിവ് കെയർ  കോഴ്‌സുകളെക്കുറിച്ച് കൂടുതലറിയാൻ ഞങ്ങളെ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക.


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Become a Brand Manager! Canada Offering the Courses

Brand Management

The process & techniques involved in increasing the value of how a product is perceived in the market is called Brand Management. The uprise of the product price and building up loyal customers and converting the customers into consumers, all are enabled by brand management. 

Brand management begins with the analysis of the perception and image of any product in the market and proceeds to planning how the brand should be perceived by the consumers in the market to achieve the objectives and goals. Brand management demands to have a good relationship with target markets which fosters the branding. Brand management is mainly associated with supply chain management, to complete the product with the brand formula.

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Brand management is one of the best and essential parameter for any product in any industry. There are lucrative professions in the field of brand management for you to take up. Also, you find a bunch of programs in Canada to take up in this field. Plan your education in Canada and pave the way for a prospective future. 


Program Overview

This program moulds you to take up the profession in the dynamic field of brand management. You acquire knowledge in tools, strategies and business skills to direct the success of the company by building up the brand. The program is handled by industry experts whose mentorship you get in academics and profession as well.

You learn to create and use brand metrics and tracking tools to measure the success of the branding and marketing campaigns. You study the underlying facts and procedures of theories determine the formulation and application of brand guidelines to ensure the working of brand strategies playing a pivotal role in the success of the products. By getting introduced to various tools and methodologies, you acquire the skillset to achieve professional competency. 

Also, taking the program in the Canadian institute gains you more job opportunities in the field of study. Plan your education in Canada. Read to know more about Institutions in Canada, jobs and benefits of Canada education…


Brand Management Programs in Canada

Canada is a country that shows a great prominence towards education since education is a strong basement for building the career of an individual and developing society as a whole. 

The great white north is the house for the world’s best institutions. There are many programs available in different domains, an international student searching for brand management in Canada would find;

  • Seneca College
  • Humber College
  • Durham College
  • Ryerson College
  • Fanshawe College
  • McGill University
  • Algonquin College
  • Centennial College
  • Queen’s University 
  • St. Lawrence College
  • George Brown College
  • University of British Columbia
  • Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • Ivey Business School, Western University

These are some of the institutions in Canada offering brand management courses for you. From these institutions, you’d get the best study abroad experience and world-class education. Plan your study in Canada.


Brand Management Jobs in Canada

There are abundant job opportunities in Canada for international students who plan to study there. You get introduced to many challenging and well-paying job opportunities after completing your brand management education in Canada. Some of the designations available for you are;

  • Brand Implementation Manager
  • Key Account Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Strategy Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Brand Strategist
  • Brand Manager

These are some of the well-paid jobs where you could showcase your professional skills and use your academic knowledge to attain professional competence. Plan your study in Canada.


Why Canada?

Studying in Canada enlaces academic knowledge and abroad living experience in equal proportions which you’d find more healthy to your personality development and career building. You embrace a lot of benefits that leave you fascinated and feel extremely fulfilled in having planned your Canada education. Few of the long term benefits include;

  • Easy PR gateways
  • Optimal Cost of Living
  • Post-Study Work Permit
  • Lucrative Job Opportunities
  • Live in a Multicultural Society
  • Minimal Educational Expenses
  • World-Class Education Quality
  • Obtain Best Abroad Experience
  • Internationally Recognised Degree
  • Gain Hands-on Experience in the Field of Work

Also, it’s easy-peasy to get a study visa in Canada when compared to getting one in other countries. You’d experience the limitless benefits through Canada education. Set up your education in Canada. Get on to the registration process. It’s right below!


Registration Process

It’s the best chance for you if you’re wanting to study Brand Management in Canada. Now, the courses are available in various institutions. Interested in becoming a Brand Management Specialist? If so, Apply with CanApprove. We are here to help.

Our expert consultants are dedicated to serving you by heading you towards the correct path to achieve your abroad plan. To know more about studying Brand Management courses in Canada, connect with us.

Event Marketing Courses for you! Enhance your study in Canada

Event Marketing

The experiential marketing of any brand, product or service enabled through promotional events is called event marketing. Event marketing is directly associated with the representatives of a particular brand. Content marketing is one of the processes of event marketing. Creating contents in digital platforms, leaflets, handouts and other means.

Event marketing focuses on combining brand messages into interactive components which are because the process follows corporate storytelling and looks forward to engaging the audience. Emotions are the tool for event marketing on which event marketers rely on. The emotional stimulus is responsible for the perspective of the image on a service or a product. In light of the psychological fact, stimuli emotions enable to remember certain facts and information in a better way.

course finder

There are renowned institutions in Canada that boast to provide a world-class education for international students. Plan your education in Canada, event marketing courses are available in most of the eminent institutions. Read to know more.

Program Overview

Through this program, you will absorb the knowledge and training in various fields like sports, event, entertainment, and experiential marketing. This program helps you to demonstrate the applications of the fundamental principles of strategic marketing to properties of any event, through case analysis, client proposals and field projects.

You explore a new career in event marketing and attain the industry demanding skillset to carry out the prime responsibility of the job. Brand activation, brand formula creation, content and digital marketing are some of the prominent areas covered. The fieldwork and practicum enable your creativity to evolve and develop live experience in marketing that is amplified by social media.

There are enormous and well-paid job opportunities in the field of event marketing for you to make use of. Plan your study In Canada. Read on to know more about job opportunities, institutions and benefits of planning your study in Canada.

Event Marketing Programs in Canada

Canada is well known to have many renowned institutions housed in it. International students find the country to be more favourable and the institutions being more valuable.

There are various programs in different domains offered. An international student searching for event marketing programs would end up finding the following institutions;

  • British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • George Brown College
  • Bow Valley College
  • Centennial College
  • Fanshawe College
  • Conestoga College
  • Georgian College
  • Humber College
  • Douglas College
  • Seneca College
  • LaSalle College
  • Niagara College
  • Durham College

These are some of the institutions in Canada providing event marketing programs. Plan your education in Canada and foresee the prospects of a successful career by becoming an event marketer.

Jobs in Event Marketing

There are plentiful job opportunities for international studies who plan their education in Canada. As a graduate from event marketing, you’d find the following job opportunities awaiting your service. Few include;

  • Marketing and Event Specialists
  • Marketing Event Coordinator
  • Event Coordinator
  • Social Media Content Creator
  • Experiential Marketing Manager
  • Community and Event Manager
  • Event Sales Director

These are the job opportunities and career pathways for you in the field of event marketing. Plan your education in Canada. Go on…

Why Study in Canada?

Studying in Canada grasps you a lot of benefits that leave you fascinated. You’d feel extremely fulfilled by having planned your education in Canada. Few of the long term benefits include;

  • Easy PR gateways
  • Optimal Cost of Living
  • Post-Study Work Permit
  • Lucrative Job Opportunities
  • Live in a Multicultural Society
  • Minimal Educational Expenses
  • World-Class Education Quality
  • Obtain Best Abroad Experience
  • Internationally Recognised Degree
  • Gain Hands-on Experience in the Field of Work

Also, you could easily obtain a study visa in Canada than obtaining one in other countries. You’d experience more than the listed benefits. Set up your education in Canada. Get on to the registration process which is right below!

Registration Process

It’s the best chance for you if you’re wanting to study Event Marketing in Canada. Now, the courses are available in various institutions. Interested in becoming an Event Marketing Specialist? Are you? Apply with CanApprove. We are here to help.

Our expert consultants are right here to direct you to the correct path to achieve your abroad plan. To know more about studying Event Marketing courses in Canada, connect with us.

Magsimula ng isang bagong buhay sa New Brunswick

Ang magagandang tanawin at isang kaaya-ayang saloobin para sa mga bagong imigrante ay ang dalawang mga kadahilanan para maging isang kaakit-akit na patutunguhan ng imigrasyon ang New Brunswick. Habang ang mga timog na bahagi ng probinsya ay tinitirahan ng mga nagsasalita ng Ingles, ang mga taong Francophone ay karaniwang nakatira sa mga hilagang bahagi. Ang New Brunswick ay isa sa pinakamaliit na lalawigan sa Canada na may maliit na populasyon na 700,000. Nilalayon ng Bagong Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program na mapalakas ang paglaki ng populasyon ng lalawigan pati na rin upang madagdagan ang pag-unlad ng pinansyal sa pamamagitan ng pagtiyak ng pagkakaroon ng bihasang manggagawa.

Ang lalawigan, na pinagpala ng magagandang lawa at berdeng kagubatan, ay ang tamang patutunguhan para sa mga nais humantong sa isang mahinahon, payapa at simpleng buhay. Ang New Brunswick ay isa rin sa mga lugar sa Canada kung saan nakakagulat na mababa ang mga presyo sa real estate. Kaya madali para sa isang bagong dating na magkaroon ng isang bahay o lupain, nang hindi na kailangang maghintay ng matagal. Mataas din ang bawat oras na sahod ng mga manggagawa kumpara sa iba pang mga Atlantic Provinces.


New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program

Nilalayon ng New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program na magbigay ng isang pagkakataon para sa mga karapat-dapat na kasanayang manggagawa upang manirahan nang permanente sa New Brunswick. Ang mga bihasang manggagawa na ito ay inaasahan na mapalakas ang pag-unlad ng ekonomiya ng probinsya.

Ang iba’t ibang mga landas sa ilalim ng New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program ay:


Express Entry Labour Market Stream

Ito ay isang stream ng imigrasyon na medyo mabilis na pagproseso ng mga aplikasyon. 

 Mga pamantayan sa pagiging karapat-dapat:

  • Kasanayan sa wika
  • Minimum na pangalawang antas ng edukasyon
  • Hindi bababa sa isang taong karanasan sa trabaho sa isang kinikilalang trabaho
  • Edad sa pagitan ng 22 at 55 taon
  • Sapat na pondo upang magsimula ng isang bagong buhay sa New Brunswick
  • Ang hangarin na manirahan sa New Brunswick
  • Puntos na hindi bababa sa 67 mula sa 100 sa point assessment grid


Skilled Worker with Family Support

Ang stream na ito ay nagbibigay-daan sa isang karapat-dapat na tao na permanenteng naninirahan sa New Brunswick upang isponsor ang kanilang malapit na miyembro ng pamilya upang manirahan sa New Brunswick. Parehong ang aplikante at ang sponsor ay dapat matugunan ang ilang pamantayan.


  • Ang aplikante ay dapat na isang malapit na miyembro ng pamilya ng sponsor
  • Ang edad ay dapat na nasa pagitan ng 22 at 55 taon
  • Kailangang may kinakailangang antas ng kasanayan sa wika sa Ingles man o Pranses
  • Dapat magkaroon ng kinakailangang mga kwalipikasyon, sertipiko at lisensya na kinakailangan upang makamit ang inilaang trabaho sa New Brunswick
  • Ang isang tuluy-tuloy na karanasan sa trabaho nang hindi bababa sa dalawang taon sa inilaang trabaho. Ang karanasan ay maaaring nakuha sa loob ng limang taon bago isumite ang aplikasyon.
  • Ang balak na manirahan at magtrabaho sa New Brunswick. Ang plano ng imigrasyon ng aplikante ay dapat na aprubahan ng opisyal ng imigrasyon ng New Brunswick
  • Sapat na pondo upang magsimula ng isang bagong buhay sa New Brunswick (Minimum na $ 10,000 para sa pangunahing aplikante at $ 2,000 para sa bawat kasamang miyembro ng pamilya)


  • Kailangang maging isang malapit na kapamilya ng aplikante
  • Kailangang maging isang mamamayan ng Canada o isang permanenteng residente na naninirahan sa New Brunswick
  • Ang sponsor ay dapat na nagtratrabaho o nagpapatakbo ng isang negosyo nang hindi bababa sa 12 buwan bago isumite ang aplikasyon
  • Kailangang maging sapat and sariling pondo
  • Kailangang dumalo sa pakikipanayam sa isang opisyal ng Dibisyon ng Paglago ng populasyon ng Pamahalaan ng New Brunswick
  • Ang isang karapat-dapat na tao ay maaaring mag-sponsor ng isang aplikante lamang sa isnag pagkakataon

Skilled Workers with Employer Support Stream

Ang mga nakatanggap ng isang tunay na alok ng trabaho para sa isang permanenteng trabaho mula sa isang employer sa New Brunswick ay maaaring mag-aplay para sa isang nominasyon ng panlalawigan mula sa New Brunswick sa pamamagitan ng programang ito.


Mga pamantayan sa pagiging karapat-dapat para sa aplikante:

  • Ang isang buong-panahong permanenteng job offer mula sa isang employer sa New Brunswick sa isang karapat-dapat na trabaho.
  • Ang job offer ay dapat makatulong upang maibagsak ang kakulangan ng paggawa sa New Brunswick.
  • Ang trabaho na inaalok ay dapat sumunod sa tinanggap na mga kaugalian tungkol sa mga tungkulin para sa empleyado pati na rin ang sahod
  • Kinakailangan na antas ng kasanayan sa wika sa Ingles o Pranses upang matupad ang mga tungkulin na may kaugnayan sa trabaho
  • Ang mga kwalipikasyon, sertipiko at mga lisensya na kinakailangan ng trabaho ay tumatagal ng nais na trabaho sa New Brunswick
  • Ang intensyon na manirahan at magtrabaho sa New Brunswick
  • Minimum na marka ng 50 puntos sa grid ng mga puntos na pagsusuri


Entrepreneurial Stream

Ang mga may karanasan sa pagpapatakbo ng isang negosyo at nais na manirahan sa New Brunswick ay maaaring mag-aplay para sa isang nominasyon ng panlalawigan sa pamamagitan ng Entrepreneurial Stream ng New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program sa pamamagitan ng pagsisimula ng isang bagong negosyo o pagkuha ng isang umiiral na negosyo.


Postgraduate Entrepreneurial Stream

Ang mga nagtapos mula sa isa sa mga kinikilalang institusyon ng mas mataas na edukasyon sa New Brunswick ay maaaring magsimula ng isang bagong negosyo o makakuha ng isang umiiral sa lalawigan at mag-aplay para sa nominasyon ng panlalawigan sa ilalim ng Stream na ito. Ang kandidato na nag-aaplay sa ilalim ng stream na ito ay dapat magkaroon ng isang wastong Postgraduate Work Permit.


Atlantic Immigration Pilot

Ang New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland at Labrador, at Nova Scotia ay ang mga Atlantikong Probinsya ng Canada. Ang Atlantic Immigration Pilot ay isang programa ng imigrasyon na hinimok ng employer na naglalayong isulong ang paglaki ng populasyon at bawasan ang kakulangan ng bihasang manggagawa sa mga lalawigan na ito. Higit sa 2000 mga imigrante at kanilang mga pamilya ay nanirahan sa New Brunswick sa pamamagitan ng programang ito hanggang ngayon.

Nais mo bang maging isang permanenteng residente sa Canada sa pamamagitan ng New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program? Makipag-ugnay sa amin para sa mga dalubhasang serbisyo ng imigrasyon mula sa CanApprove.


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Interested in Gaming? Take up your Game Art & Animation Programs in Canada

Game Art & Animation

The most artistic, fascinating and rewarding profession which is a subset of game development is called game art design. It is the process involving in the creation of artistic aspects of video games and modelling. Like a movie production, video games also have multiple aspects of their lifecycle. The process includes pre-production, conception, sketching characters, storyboard creation, and other settings and objects.

When the project is brought into actualisation, the characters in the sketches are modelled and brought to real life through graphic design. This is where game designers play a pivotal role and confront many challenges. They also motion capture to create a unique character and gesture for it. Any two or more people can associate together and become the creator of a game.

course finder

Animation and game designing are enlaced together in creating game visuals and making it interact with the user. Animation plays a major role in gaming the superior the animation, the real the gaming experience. It’s the love for the gamers to design, build and also play games. If you’re insane about gaming, build your career as a game designer by studying in Canada. There are many courses provided for you by the renowned institutions. Plan your education in Canada.


Program Overview

A game is something which always fascinates mankind with its extremely enticing events, visuals and user experience. The nature of a game surprises us and makes us think how the games are created, how the events in the games are so very realistic and lot more questions.

In this program, you learn the software and hardware orientations of games, game designing, animation, character creation, graphic models and more… Through the mentorship of industry experts and animation professionals, you are properly thought the knacks of compositing, rigging, lighting, texturing, rendering and storyboarding.

3D animation, VFX and Gaming industry are awaiting the qualified and skilled game designing professionals. You get the opportunities to simulate your work intensity in a hi-tech production studio. Are you crazy about gaming and game designing? Choose your course in Canada and drive towards your career.


Game Art & Animation Programs in Canada

Canada is the house for many eminent institutions of the world and also, it’s the country showing a great prominence to technology, art and game development. The institutions providing game art and animation programs are;

  • Visual College of Art and Design of Vancouver
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • Max the Mutt College of Animation
  • Ontario College of Art and Design
  • George Brown College
  • Capilano University
  • Centennial College
  • Algonquin College
  • Fanshawe College
  • Sheridan College
  • Loyalist College
  • LaSalle College
  • Seneca College

These are some of the institutions in Canada where you could get the world-class education in the field of game art and animation. Plan your education in Canada and become a skilful game designer.


Jobs in Game Art and Design 

Generally, there are enormous job opportunities for international students who get their education in Canada. So, as an international student with graduation in-game art and animation, you’d have the following job opportunities to enter into;

  • Lead Artist
  • Art Director
  • Concept Artist
  • Storyboard Creator
  • Environmental Artists
  • Texture Artist
  • Lighting Artist
  • 3D Artist
  • Animator

These are some of the rewarding and interesting job opportunities for international students those who plan to choose game art & design study in Canda. Go ahead…


Why Canada?

Studying in Canada earns you a lot of surprising benefits for you. You’d feel extremely gratified to having planned your education in Canada. Some of the long term benefits include;

  • Easy PR gateways
  • Optimal Cost of Living
  • Post-Study Work Permit
  • Lucrative Job Opportunities
  • Live in a Multicultural Society
  • Minimal Educational Expenses
  • World-Class Education Quality
  • Obtain Best Abroad Experience
  • Internationally Recognised Degree
  • Gain Hands-on Experience in the Field of Work

Also, you could easily obtain a study visa in Canada than getting one in other countries. You’d experience more than the opportunities listed. Set up your education in Canada. Get on to the registration process which is right below!


Registration Process 

It’s the best chance for you if you’re wanting to study Game Art & Animation in Canada. Now, the courses are available in various institutions. Interested in becoming a Game Designer? Are you? Apply with CanApprove. We are here to help.

Our consultants are right here to direct you on the correct path to accomplish your abroad plan. To know more about studying Game Art & Animation courses in Canada, connect with us.

एक शानदार जीवन के लिए न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर चुनें !

न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर केनाडा में एक शांत और शांतिपूर्ण प्रांत है। जो लोग सुंदर परिदृश्य से घिरे एक शांतिपूर्ण वातावरण में रहना चाहते हैं, उनके लिए यह प्रांत एक आदर्श गंतव्य है। 

लेकिन न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में जीवन केवल हरे भरे इलाकों और खूबसूरत तटीय गांवों के बारे में ही नहीं बलकि प्रांत का तेजी से बढ़ता औद्योगिक क्षेत्र उन लोगों को भी आकर्षित कर रहा है, जो शहर के तेज जीवन से प्यार करते हैं।

प्रांत में न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर द्वीप शामिल हैं। कुल आबादी केवल 5 लाख के आसपास है। प्रांत की राजधानी सेंट जॉन्स में अधिकांश आबादी रहती है। अच्छे स्कूल और अस्पताल, रेस्तरां, नाइटलाइफ़ और एक जीवंत कला और सांस्कृतिक परिदृश्य सेंट जॉन के जीवन का आनंद लेने के लिए सबसे अच्छे शहरों में से एक है।

न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम (NLPNP)

न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य कुशल विदेशी श्रमिकों की कमी और कम आबादी वाले विकास जैसे मुद्दों को हल करना है, जो कि कुशल विदेशी श्रमिकों को यहाँ बसने के लिए आमंत्रित करना हैं। 

योग्य विदेशी श्रमिक एक सरल प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम के तहत केनाडा में स्थायी रूप से बसने के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। लेकिन पहला कदम न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम के तहत आवेदक के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त आव्रजन श्रेणी का पता लगाना है। 

फिर आवेदक इस श्रेणी के माध्यम से न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर से प्रांतीय नामांकन के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। एक बार उम्मीदवार को प्रांतीय नामांकन प्राप्त हो जाता है, तो उन्हें जल्द ही केनाडा में स्थायी निवास के लिए आवेदन करने का निमंत्रण मिल जाता हैं।

हालांकि अधिकांश नए लोग सेंट जॉन्स में बसना पसंद करते हैं, लेकिन ऐसे अन्य शहर भी हैं जहाँ नए प्रवासियों को रहना पसंद होगा। ये सभी स्थान अप्रवासियों के लिए सुरक्षित और अनुकूल हैं।


न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम के तहत आव्रजन श्रेणियां

एक्सप्रेस एंट्री स्किल्ड वर्कर

एक्सप्रेस एंट्री स्किल्ड वर्कर श्रेणी न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में बसने की इच्छा रखने वालों के लिए एक तेज़ रास्ता है। चूंकि यह श्रेणी फ़ेडरल एक्सप्रेस एंट्री सिस्टम से जुड़ी है, इसलिए आवेदन की प्रक्रिया 6 महीने से कम समय में पूरी हो सकती है।


पात्रता मापदंड

  • एक सक्रिय एक्सप्रेस प्रवेश प्रोफ़ाइल
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम के अंक निर्धारण ग्रिड में 100 में से कम से कम 67 स्कोर
  • नौकरी जो न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर नियोक्ता से प्राप्त की
  • वर्क परमिट या पात्रता
  • केनाडाई डिग्री / डिप्लोमा या समकक्ष। यदि योग्यता केनाडा के बाहर से अर्जित की गई है, तो उम्मीदवार को एक शिक्षा क्रेडेंशियल मूल्यांकन (ईसीए) रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत करनी होगी।
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में रहने और काम करने का इरादा
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में बसने के लिए प्रमुख आवेदक और उनके आश्रित परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए पर्याप्त धन।
  • भाषा दक्षता का आवश्यक स्तर।


कुशल श्रमिक श्रेणी

नियोक्ता इस श्रेणी के माध्यम से न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर से प्रांतीय नामांकन के लिए विदेशी कुशल श्रमिकों को नामित कर सकते हैं।

पात्रता मापदंड

  • न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर नियोक्ता से एक स्थायी, पूर्णकालिक नौकरी की पेशकश
  • प्रस्तावित नौकरी को प्रांत में मजदूरी और सेवाओं से संबंधित नियमों का पालन करना चाहिए।
  • व्यवसाय से संबंधित जिम्मेदारियों को पूरा करने के लिए योग्यता, प्रशिक्षण और प्रलेखन की आवश्यकता होती है।
  • अप्रवासन, शरणार्थी और नागरिकता कनाडा (आईआरसीसी) या एक प्राप्त करने की पात्रता से प्राप्त वर्क परमिट। यदि आवेदक के पास पहले से वर्क परमिट है, तो आवेदन के समय इसकी वैधता कम से कम छह महीने होनी चाहिए।
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में रहने और काम करने का इरादा
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में बसने के लिए प्रमुख आवेदक और उनके आश्रित परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए पर्याप्त धन।
  • नियोक्ता को यह साबित करना होगा कि उसके व्यवसाय के विकास के लिए विदेशी कर्मचारी के कौशल की आवश्यकता है
  • भाषा परीक्षण के परिणाम यह साबित करते हैं कि आवेदक को अपनी नौकरी से संबंधित जिम्मेदारियों को पूरा करने के लिए भाषा प्रवीणता है।


अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्नातक श्रेणी

केनाडा के मान्यता प्राप्त उच्च शिक्षा संस्थानों में से एक में शिक्षा पूरी कर चुके अंतर्राष्ट्रीय छात्र इस श्रेणी के माध्यम से प्रांतीय नामांकन के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

पात्रता मापदंड

  • उम्मीदवार ने कनाडा के मान्यता प्राप्त उच्च शिक्षा संस्थानों में से एक से शिक्षा पूरी की होगी।
  • यदि पूरा अध्ययन कार्यक्रम एक डिग्री या डिप्लोमा है, तो अवधि कम से कम दो वर्ष होनी चाहिए। यदि योग्यता स्नातकोत्तर है, तो अध्ययन कार्यक्रम की अवधि कम से कम एक वर्ष होनी चाहिए।
  • पूर्णकालिक, स्थायी नौकरी की पेशकश
  • उम्मीदवार को कनाडा में काम करने के लिए कानूनी रूप से पात्र होना चाहिए। दूसरे शब्दों में, उम्मीदवार को आईआरसीसी द्वारा जारी वर्क परमिट रखना होगा
  • कब्जे के हिस्से के रूप में जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने के लिए आवश्यक योग्यता, प्रशिक्षण और प्रलेखन
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में रहने और काम करने का इरादा
  • नौकरी की पेशकश को न्यूफाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर के वेतन और सेवाओं के नियमों का पालन करना चाहिए
  • पेश की गई नौकरी में उन्नति की क्षमता होनी चाहिए।
  • न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में बसने के लिए प्रमुख आवेदक और उनके आश्रित परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए पर्याप्त धन।
  • भाषा परीक्षण के परिणाम यह साबित करते हैं कि आवेदक को अपनी नौकरी से संबंधित जिम्मेदारियों को पूरा करने के लिए भाषा प्रवीणता है।


अटलांटिक इमिग्रेशन पायलट प्रोग्राम

इन राज्यों में कुशल श्रम और कम जनसंख्या वृद्धि की कमी का हल खोजने के उद्देश्य से, केनाडा की सरकार द्वारा अटलांटिक आप्रवासन पायलट कार्यक्रम लागू किया गया है। यह कार्यक्रम केनाडा के अटलांटिक प्रांतों में बसने के लिए विदेशी कुशल श्रमिकों को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है। योग्य उम्मीदवारों का चयन कार्यक्रम के तहत नियोक्ताओं के माध्यम से किया जाता है। 

न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर एक अटलांटिक प्रांत होने के नाते, इस कार्यक्रम का हिस्सा भी है। योग्य उम्मीदवार न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर में अटलांटिक आप्रवासन पायलट कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से भी बस सकते हैं।

न्यूफ़ाउंडलैंड और लैब्राडोर प्रांतीय नामांकित कार्यक्रम विदेशी कुशल श्रमिकों और उन लोगों के लिए विभिन्न अवसरों को खोलता है जिन्होंने केनाडा में उच्च शिक्षा को स्थायी रूप से देश में स्थानांतरित किया है। 


अधिक जानकारी के लिए:


संपर्क:  +91-422-4980255 (भारत) /  +971-42865134 (दुबई)


Permanent Residence in Canada for Dentists!

Canadian Government is intended to welcome at least 1,000,000 skilled migrants by the year 2021. In such a flexible scenario, Dentists or Dentistry in Canada is turning out to be one of the most demanding professions among the aspiring immigrants to Canada.

Here is our quick guide for eligible & qualified Dentists to secure their Permanent Residence in Canada under the Federal Skilled Worker Immigration Programs or other Provincial Nomination Programs.

Job titles covered under NOC List Code 3113 for Dentists in Canada

National Occupation Classification (NOC) Codes of Canada determines in-demand occupations in the country from an Immigration point of view. Thus, every skilled immigrant to Canada wants their occupation to fall under the NOC list code.

Our focus today is on Dentists in Canada which fall under the NOC code list 3113 and covers various job titles including: 


Dental Surgeon General Practice Dentist Oral & dental surgeon
Endodontist Implantologist- dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon
Oral medicine specialist Oral radiologist Pediatric dentist
Pedodontist Periodontist Prosthodontist
Stomatologist Oral Medicine specialist Oral surgeon

Employment opportunities for Dentists in Canada under NOC 3113 are not limited only to hospitals, care facilities, rehabilitation centers, doctors’ clinics, but also allowed for self-employment in their own dental practice. 


Average hourly wage of Dentists in Canada

With annual salary for Dentist in Canada ranging from CA $120,000 – $240,000 and average full-time annual salary CA $142,000, here is a region-wise compilation of average hourly wage for Dentists in Canada: 


Alberta CA $64.08
British Columbia CA $38.59
Manitoba CA $61.64
Ontario CA $66.47
Quebec CA $57.86
Saskatchewan CA $96.15


When it comes to matching the skills, qualifications, and experience of Internationally qualified Dentists like you who are aspiring to immigrate to Canada with the specific requirements of Canadian Provinces and Territories, we recommend you to take this free online assessment for expert guidance.


How to migrate to Canada as a Dentist

Dentistry is a regulated profession in Canada. Therefore, only a licensed Dentist in one’s home country is eligible for immigrating to Canada to practice Dentistry. 

Additionally, demonstration of work skills, the experience is necessary to qualify as a skilled worker in Canada.  

Here is a glimpse of how Canada assesses internationally qualified Dentists like you against their internal benchmarks: 


  • Firstly, you must have a BDS/DDS/DMD degree and be certified by the NDEB.
  • Now, register on the Express Entry system. Canada Express Entry system is the quickest and easiest pathway for economic immigration. Your profile is scored and ranked using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) which is based majorly on core human factors like age, education, work experience, language proficiency in English or French, and other factors like spouse’s adaptability factor, job offer, etc.  
  • Wait for IRCC’s fortnightly Express Entry draw and if you are eligible, you will receive an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence in Canada in a quick time. 


Migrate to Canada as a Dentist along with your family

Canadian economic immigration programs are so popular among thousands of skilled migrants every year for the fact that it also allows easy family immigration. In fact, under the Express Entry system, your spouse’s skills, education, and qualifications will make your overall application even stronger.

Study opportunities, high standard of living including access to quality healthcare, social benefits and a chance to apply for Canadian citizenship after four years of permanent residency make Canadian immigration along with your family a great experience.

You can further improve your score or migrate to the desired province in Canada by fixing a free appointment with us. Get in touch with us to kick start your Canadian immigration plan.

Become a Floral Designer by taking up your study in Canada!

Floral Design

The art of using plants and flowers to bring out a pleasing and balanced composition in the atmosphere or a place is called floral designing. Sometimes it’s also known as flower arrangements. Looking back the history, floristry had its tracks traced back in ancient Egypt. Floral design has its elements like line, space, form, texture and colour to be considered while creating a flower arrangement. Principles of floral design include proportion, rhythm, balance, contrast, harmony and unity.

In floral design, there are many styles followed, each with unique vivacity. Garden Style, Botanical Style, Crescent Corsage, Pot au Fleur, Inverted “T”, Nosegay Corsage, Parallel Systems, Hedgerow Design, Western Line, Mille De Fleur and Formal Linear are some of the designs in floral Design. Supplemental to wreaths, garlands, nosegays, bows, festoons and corsages are also designed by florists.

course finder

If you have a great penchant to make designs with flowers and stuff, this is the best chance for you. Programs are available in floral design for a creative person like you. Plan your education in Canada. Take your studies up.


Program Overview

Through this program, you are prepared to attain the competency & work in the floral industry. This program helps you understand the business context and framework of floral designing in a way or the other that satisfies the customer in terms of aesthetics. There are floral labs where you work and gain hands-on experience and apply the integration of theory and practicum to produce one proper design.

You develop the skills like floral design, design development, creation of floral arrangements and artistry. There are enormous career opportunities in the field after your study. If you’re a person with an artistic and creative mind, and willing to work with flowers and design, then you’ve got the right time to plan your education.

Eminent Canadian institutions are offering courses for international students who are willing to study floral design. Plan your education in Canada. Read on to know more…


Floral Design Programs in Canada

Canada shows significant prominence towards education and art. Floral design is an artistic work for which the programs are provided in various institutions. You’d find floral design programs in the following institutions.

  • Canadian Institute of Foral Design
  • University of Fraser Valley
  • Mount Royal University
  • Toronto Flower School
  • Okanagan College
  • Fanshawe College
  • Mohawk College
  • Niagara College
  • Seneca College
  • Olds College

These are some of the institutions in Canada where you could find floral design programs. It’s assured that you get the best education and abroad life experience by planning your study in Canada.


Floral Design Jobs in Canada

There are enormous job opportunities for international students who plan their study in Canada. Floral designing is one of the artistic jobs in Canada, and also there are lucrative and widespread job opportunities in Canada for students after graduation. Some of the career pathways are;

  • Professional Gardener
  • Floral Shop Associate
  • Event Floral Designer
  • Sales Representative
  • Event Decorator
  • Floral Designer
  • Floral Arranger
  • Florist

These are some of the job opportunities for international students who graduate in the field of floral designing. Plan your education in Canada and become a professional designer.


Why Floral Designing in Canada?

It’s the fascinating benefits that stand as the reason for you to plan your education in Canada. Some tangible benefits you could enjoy by planning your study in Canada are;

  • Easy PR gateways
  • Long-term Advantages
  • Optimal Cost of Living
  • Post-Study Work Permit
  • Lucrative Job Opportunities
  • Live in a Multicultural Society
  • Minimal Educational Expenses
  • World-Class Education Quality
  • Obtain Best Abroad Experience
  • Internationally Recognised Degree
  • Gain Hands-on Experience in the Field of Work

Along with these benefits, you’d enjoy acquiring a student visa in Canada like a piece of cake, than getting in other countries. There are a lot more to experience than listed. Waiting for what? Set your education up in Canada. Get on to the registration process.


Registration Process

It’s the best chance for you if you’re wanting to study Floral Design in Canada. Now, the courses are available in various institutions. Interested in becoming a Floral Designer? Are you? Apply with CanApprove. We are here to help.

Our consultants direct you on the right path to accomplish your abroad plan. To know more about studying Floral Design courses in Canada, connect with us.



Non-Profit and Social Sector Management Programs are accessible in Canada!

Non-Profit Organization

The organization which is dedicated to catalysing a particular social cause or that advocates a shared point of view is called as a nonprofit organisation (sometimes called a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization or a non-profit institution). Organisations use their surplus of the revenues to achieve the objective instead of distributing the income to shareholders or members.

Generally, non-profit organisations are tax-exempt or charitable, which means they do not pay income tax for the money received for the organisation. Nonprofit organisations can operate in scientific, religious, research and educational settings. Public confidence is one of the prominent factors of the money-raising process of any non-profit organisations. The more the focus on mission, the more public confidence acquisition.

course finder

The key aspects of non-profits include trustworthiness, honesty, accountability and openness to the investors of time, money and faith into the organisation. Non-profit organisations generally focus on social cause for making some positive impact over the society. Managing the social sectors and non-profit organisations demand great skills because the raise funds and money should be utilised in a way that people get benefited by one way or the other.

Become a skilful manager of any non-profit organization or social sector. Plan your education in Canada. Well-performing institutions are offering the best education for international students. Read on…


Program Overview

In this program, you learn about the practices of a non-profit organisation, management and effectiveness of a non-profit sector. Few of the areas covered are administration, marketing, economics, communication, philanthropy, human resources, fundraising, advocacy, civic agreement, policy, grant writing, social entrepreneurship and more…

Through on the field experience and by the guidance of field experts and seniors, you acquire a strong knowledge in performing various operations and the purpose of playing various roles in the sector. Business, Sociology, Public Policy, etc… are some of the mandatory topics taken into the course study.

Become a skilful manager in the social sectors and non-profit organisations by taking up your study in Canada. Read on to know more…


Institutions in Canada Providing Non–Profit and Social Sector Management Programs

There are eminent institutions in Canada that are providing world-class education services for the student community over these years and also take a great part in providing skilful grads to the society and in research and development. Studying in these institutions will indubitably pave the way for a successful career. Few of the institutions providing Non–Profit and Social Sector Management Programs are;

  • Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Simon Fraser University
  • George Brown College
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Calgary
  • Carleton University
  • Conestoga College
  • Algonquin College
  • Centennial College
  • Mohawk College
  • Humber College
  • Seneca College

Plan your study in these institutions and obtain a globally recognised degree and a superior education in your field of study. Go ahead…


Career Pathways in Non-Profit and Social Sectors

You’d get introduced to enormous job opportunities after completing your education in Canada. Few of the career pathways for you to step into the field of Non-Profit and Social Sectors are;

  • Community Service Project Coordinator
  • Member Services Representative
  • Member Records Administrator
  • Financial Aid Representative
  • Compliance Coordinator
  • Membership Assistant
  • Aides Supervisor

Retain a satisfying profession after completing your education in Canada and graduating in the field of Non-Profit and Social Sector management. Plan your education in Canada.


Why Education in Canada?

There are plentiful benefits in Canada for international students planning to study there. Some of them for you;

  • Easy PR gateways
  • Long-term Advantages
  • Optimal Cost of Living
  • Post-Study Work Permit
  • Lucrative Job Opportunities
  • Live in a Multicultural Society
  • Minimal Educational Expenses
  • World-Class Education Quality
  • Obtain Best Abroad Experience
  • Internationally Recognised Degree
  • Gain Hands-on Experience in the Field of Work

With these benefits, an international student easily could get a study visa in Canada than in other countries. Canada education offers you a lot more than the listed from lifestyle to job. Waiting for what? Plan your education in Canada. Get on to the registration process.


Registration Process

It’s the best chance for you if you’re wanting to study Non-Profit & Social Sector Management in Canada. Now, the courses are available in various institutions. Interested in becoming a Manager of a Non-Profit & Social Sector Management? Are you? Apply with CanApprove. We are here to help.

Our consultants show you the right path to accomplish your abroad plan. To know more about studying Non-Profit & Social Sector Management courses in Canada, connect with us.

Career for Engineers in Canada

The Engineering Labour Market in Canada: Projections to 2025 report released by Engineers Canada, shows Canada is facing a short supply of engineers to replace retiring engineers. It also highlights that more than 100,000 engineer jobs will need to be filled in Canada by 2025. 

With the growing demand for engineers in Canada, here is a quick guide on Career for Engineers in Canada.


Classification of Engineer jobs in Canada

A successful career for Engineers in Canada begin with finding a job that fits under the following National Occupation Code classification. 

NOC Code Occupation Title
0211 Engineering Managers
2131 Civil Engineers
2132 Mechanical Engineers
2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2134 Chemical Engineers
2141 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers
2142 Metallurgical Engineers
2143 Mining Engineers
2144 Geological Engineers
2145 Petroleum Engineers
2146 Aerospace Engineers
2147 Computer Engineers
2148 Other Engineers
Software Engineers and Designers

Take this free assessment to know the best chance of your immigration to Canada.

Selection factors to migrate as an Engineer to Canada

Migration for any professional to Canada will require the candidate to come good on these six basic selection factors- 

  • Skill Language: You must take a few approved language tests like IELTS, etc. to prove your English or French skills. 
  • Education: Must possess a university degree for most engineering-based jobs in Canada
  • Experience: Additional preference in terms of immigration points is given for candidates with adequate work experience in a relevant field.
  • Age: Canada prefers the immigration of young & dynamic candidates. Professionals aged between 18-40 years are most-welcomed in Canada. 
  • Job offer: You may get additional points if you already have a job offer before migration.
  • Adaptability: This is applicable if you are migrating with your spouse to Canada. You may get additional points of your spouse has adequate skills.


How to migrate as an Engineer to Canada?

Canada Provincial Nominee Programs & Canada Express Entry system offers an excellent pathway for the migration of Engineers to Canada. One can get an easy opportunity to apply for permanent residence in Canada under such immigration programs.  

A great opportunity for Engineers to migrate to Canada under various immigration programs offered by several Canadian Provinces.  


British Columbia
  • BC PNP Tech Pilot 
  • Express Entry British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
  • International Skilled Worker – Employment Offer
  • International Skilled Worker – Occupations In-Demand 
  • International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry
Prince Edward Island
  • Yukon Express Entry (YEE)
  • Skilled Worker
  • Critical Impact Worker

The federal Express Entry system is a fast-track economic immigration pathway to Canada. It consists of federal programs like the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Canadian Experience Class, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program. 

Average hourly wage of Engineers in Canada

Various categories of Engineers in Canada from various regions earned an average yearly wage of CA $78,714. The region-wise average yearly wage is as tabulated below.   

Alberta CA $79,092
British Columbia CA $72,500
Manitoba CA $80,000
Nova Scotia CA $61,542
New Brunswick CA $66,404
Ontario CA $80,110
Saskatchewan CA $104,813
Quebec CA $84,604
Northwest Territories CA $102.200
Yukon CA $81,540
Newfoundland CA $71,864

Engineers in Canada follow directly under the skilled worker category. Express Entry profile is exclusively for such skilled workers looking to quickly migrate to Canada. Your Express Entry profile is scored and ranked on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) which includes core human capital factors like Age, Educational qualification, Work Experience, Language Proficiency in English or French and other factors like spouse abilities, etc.   

If you are lucky enough to be nominated by the province, then your CRS scoring is done out of 1200. You get an additional 600 points for a successful provincial nomination that effectively guarantees a permanent residence in Canada. Contact CanApprove for further details on immigration to Canada.