The Express Entry draw held on February 13 that exclusively targeted Canadian Experience Class(CEC) candidates was historic and unprecedented as it invited the highest number of candidates in the history of Express Entry draws. The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) cut-off score in the draw was 75, which was also the lowest ever.
The size of the draw was five times larger than that of the previous largest draw, which was only 5000. Immigration experts see this historic Express Entry draw of February 13 as a means to engage those who are already in the country and have been working here during the time of COVID-19 crisis. In a statement issued recently, the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) said: “Their status may be temporary, but their contributions are lasting – and we’re hoping to help more of them stay permanently.”
As per the regular two-week schedule, the Express Entry draw was expected on February 3. But that didn’t happen. What followed was a Provincial Nominee Program-specific draw on February 10. Many candidates feared that Canada was planning to bring down the number of ITAs as the Coronavirus crisis still existed. But the anxiety turned into surprise as Canada invited a whopping 27332 CEC candidates with CRS score as low as 75 to apply for permanent residence in the draw held on February 13. Now the invited candidates may submit the complete application within 90 days.
The candidates who received invitations in the draw have at least one year of Canadian work experience, proven their ability to contribute towards the growth of Canadian economy and have paid taxes, according to the IRCC. These candidates are also unaffected by the travel restrictions as they are already residing in Canada. They also do not have barriers like collecting necessary documents and obtaining police clearance and medical screening certificates.
The draw can also be seen as an effort to meet the immigration target that Canada has set for the year 2021, which is 401000 newcomers. Canada needs the support of immigrants to recover from the economic impact of COVID-19. As international travel restrictions are still very much in place, inviting those who are currently in Canada is the most practical solution for Canada to meet its annual immigration targets.
“From large companies to major labour unions, Canadians agree that immigration is essential to our economy,” observed the IRCC. “One in three businesses with employees is owned by an immigrant, creating thousands of jobs from construction to retail. Throughout the pandemic, newcomers have played an outsized role in Canada’s response, accounting for over one third of our doctors and pharmacists. Put simply, immigration is crucial to Canada’s short-term recovery and long-term prosperity,” said the IRCC.
Do you wish to migrate to Canada in the near future? Start the preparations right away and make the most of this opportunity where Canada is admitting a high number of immigrants in the next few years. For more information, contact CanApprove.